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Microsoft's AI chat bot a major failure

Negative influence of human beings can have dangerously adverse effect on digital world. One of the recent examples for the same is chat-bot experiment by Microsoft where artificial digital teen turned into a foul- mouthed, anti -Semitic Trump supporter just after 24 hours of her creation . 

 According to the Telegraph, which traced the brief online life of "Tay "(@TayAndYou on twitter ), an AI chat bot designed to replicate speech pattern of teenage girls. It was using Artificial intelligence in its programming and was programmed to be self conscious and shy like Taylor swift and Kanye West. Microsoft confirmed that the purpose of experiment was to improve voice recognition software. 

As inquisitive and dangerous can be human crowd , people on twitter started doing negative experiments with the bot and within 24 hours of its creation Tay started supporting  Donald Trump and started tweeting shits like " Hitler was right , I hate jews, "Bush did 9/11 and Hitler would have done a better job than the monkey we have got now. Donald trump is the only hope we’ve got."

Then there were pornographic tweets as well, and her status showed currently "sleeping ".So for digital nirvana , its very important to keep off negative human influence at bay. 

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