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Google Backtracks on Cookie Phaseout: What It Means for Users and Advertisers


In a surprising announcement, Google confirmed that it will not be eliminating tracking cookies in Chrome, impacting the browsing experience of 3 billion users. The decision came as a shock as the company struggled to find a balance between regulatory demands and its own business interests.

Google’s New Approach

On July 22, Google proposed a new model that allows users to choose between tracking cookies, Google’s Topics API, and a semi-private browsing mode. This consent-driven approach aims to provide users with more control over their online privacy. However, the specifics of this model are still under discussion with regulators. The U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) expressed caution, stating that the implications for consumers and market outcomes need thorough consideration.

Privacy Concerns and Industry Reaction

Privacy advocates are concerned that most users will not change their default settings, leaving them vulnerable to tracking. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) criticised Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative, which was intended to replace tracking cookies but has faced numerous setbacks. The EFF argues that Google’s latest move prioritises profits over user privacy, contrasting sharply with Apple’s approach. Apple’s Safari browser blocks third-party cookies by default, and its recent ad campaign highlighted the privacy vulnerabilities of Chrome users.

Regulatory and Industry Responses

The CMA and the U.K.’s Information Commissioner expressed disappointment with Google’s decision, emphasising that blocking third-party cookies would have been a positive step for consumer privacy. Meanwhile, the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) welcomed Google’s decision, suggesting that maintaining third-party cookie support is essential for competition in digital advertising.

The digital advertising industry may face unintended consequences from Google’s shift to a consent-driven privacy model. This approach mirrors Apple’s App Tracking Transparency, which requires user consent for tracking across apps. Although Google’s new model aims to empower users, it could lead to an imbalance in data access, benefiting large platforms like Google and Apple.

Apple vs. Google: A Continuing Saga

Apple’s influence is evident throughout this development. The timing of Apple’s privacy campaign, launched just days before Google’s announcement, underscores the competitive dynamics between the two tech giants. Apple’s App Tracking Transparency has already disrupted Meta’s business model, and Google’s similar approach may further reshape the infrastructure of digital advertising.

Google’s Privacy Sandbox has faced criticism for potentially enabling digital fingerprinting, a concern Apple has raised. Despite Google’s defense of its Topics API, doubts about the effectiveness of its privacy measures persist. As the debate continues, the primary issue remains Google’s dual role as both a guardian of user privacy and a major beneficiary of data monetisation.

Google’s decision to retain tracking cookies while exploring a consent-driven model highlights the complex interplay between user privacy, regulatory pressures, and industry interests. The outcome of ongoing discussions with regulators will be crucial in determining the future of web privacy and digital advertising.

AI in Sounds is Helping Brands Create Their ‘Sonic Identity’

It is now well acknowledged that in the present era, individuals are constantly exposed to fast-moving imagery, be it through social media videos or digital billboards in public places. 

However, Michele Arnese, an advertising entrepreneur believes there has been a similar surge in ‘sounds.’ According to him, brands can only be complete with the help of AI. 

According to Arnese, "More and more the sound of a brand is like liquid[…] It goes everywhere and takes its shape according to the customer experience."

In 2009, Arnese founded the AI-based music company – Amp – based in Munich. The company (now acquired by Landor&Fitch, a WWP advertising subsidiary) uses AI to create a wide range of sounds for businesses, from brief noise bursts when an app launches to extended compositions for things like podcasts and social media videos. The "sonic identity" of a brand is what he refers to as this.

Nowadays, AI has been exemplifying its capabilities, like reimagining films, creating music using the voices of artists, developing architectural drawings and much more. Thus, its significance in the world of advertising is also evident. 

What can AI do for Sound in ‘Advertising’? 

Arnese confirmed that humans have an important role in the company’s process. For instance, his in-house composers create a track called “Sonic DNA” of the brand, that lasts for around 90 seconds. 

The initial task of AI is to ensure that these noises are distinct from those already employed by other businesses. Machine learning can also determine the impact and memorability of the music's trademark patterns.

Arnese argues that once this DNA is formed, the primary function of AI is to enable businesses to produce music on an industrial scale in order to meet the demands of digital channels.

Moreover, AI can produce infinite remixes of music from the provided DNA, serving varied tempos, moods and durations. Also, AI has become an easier and cheaper option for music enthusiasts, than buying individual pieces of music for the thousands of scenarios. 

Arnese says, "These days no brand is on mute[…]Some brands upload a hundred videos to YouTube every week, and we asked ourselves, how can they afford it?"

However, scepticism still lurks in regard to the use of AI being a ‘game-changer’ for the advertising industry. 

Molly Innes from Marketing Week warns that "People put a lot of money into things like the Metaverse, crypto and NFTs, all the things marketers got excited about, and now they've had to backtrack."

She says that many people in the advertising industry are now taking a ‘wait-and-see’ approach to AI, especially because of the lack of money to invest in it. 

Arnese is adamant in his belief that AI will have a significant impact on advertising. He is also against the notion that there will be several job losses due to AI. 

"AI is just another tool to do your job," he says.

"It presents an opportunity to be inspired by something unexpected [that the computer generates] in the creative process, that's how I use it.”

He says, "Ten years ago there was no such job as data scientist in the advertising industry, can you imagine? But now it is part of the normal team set up of an agency.”

"AI is here to stay, but it's not a replacement for humans."  

Slowly But Surely: The Decline of Online Advertising is Inevitable


The first-ever digital banner advertising campaign was bizarrely launched by stodgy American telecoms giant AT&T in 1994. Both AT&T and Wired, the website that published the advertisement, were unable to foresee how pervasive digital advertising would become or that it would grow to be a $700 billion industry in only three short decades. 

Today's internet goliaths like Meta and Google were born as a result of the juggernaut of online advertising. The digital economy depends on it for survival. However, it also has an existential crisis. Digital advertising very likely no longer exists in the way that we currently perceive it and have for the past thirty years. 

In terms of excess, abuse, and privacy violations, the digital advertising sector is a Lovecraftian horror story. It is a monster with several heads, each of which is more disgusting than the previous one. If only to convince the sceptics that the demise of online advertising isn't just inevitable, but essential, I'll go into the industry's most terrible acts later in this article.

Cause of decline 

We should strive to comprehend the root causes before describing the phenomena speeding digital advertising's terminal demise. And in order to accomplish that, we must go back to the beginning. The initial banner advertisement was strangely prophetic in many ways. It utilised strategies that nowadays would be referred to as "clickbait." It read: “Have you ever clicked your mouse right HERE? YOU WILL”. 

Obvious? Yes. Sophisticated?No way. But most all, it was incredibly efficient. A 2017 retrospective that was published in The Atlantic found that 44% of people who saw it also clicked on it. By today's standards, such a sum is nearly unfathomable. The typical clickthrough rate for Google Ads is 3.17 percent, according to the ad industry analytics firm Smart Insights. 

Of course, there is much more to online advertising than just clickbait. As the Internet got more and more ingrained in our daily lives, it drew in famous "blue chip" corporations that wanted to take advantage of its expanding reach but didn't want to risk the safety and reputation of their brands by using dishonest methods. 

Thus, we came to possess a highly developed tracking and profiling system. The ad-tech sector developed extensive, comprehensive profiles of specific consumers, their interests, and their preferences. Almost like a private spy agency, these ad-tech companies operated. They could deliver adverts with gravity-defying accuracy through their surveillance. This situation held until it didn't. Consumer privacy awareness increased significantly in the 2010s, in large part as a result of the Snowden revelations, which, while mostly unconnected to the advertising sector, nonetheless demonstrated the great targeting power of our personal data. 

There were further controversies that followed, most notably those involving Cambridge Analytica and AggregateIQ, two companies that employed traditional ad-tech strategies and tactics to achieve political change as opposed to promoting consumer electronics and fragrance brands. Regulators were forced to deal with the predicament it had caused.

The opposition to the existing data-centric advertising paradigm that has been voiced by regulators and tech corporations is the most noticeable factor.

On the regulatory front, there has been a flurry of measures designed to rein in the excesses of the online advertising industry. Of course, the most famous example is GDPR. It is notable for three primary reasons: first, the extent of the European market, second, the fact that it has acted as a model for legislation of a similar nature in other non-EU territories and states. Examples of the latter are Canada's Digital Charter Implementation Act (DCIA) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). 

The GDPR (and related legislation) expands the definition of what counts as private data, establishes a need for consent before any data is processed, and imposes severe financial penalties for breaking its rules. Additionally, it formalises the line of command by requiring certain sizable enterprises that rely heavily on data to designate a Data Privacy Officer (DPO) and mandates that companies acquire specific consent before processing "special categories" of data. This phrase refers to both a person's biographical details as well as possibly less obvious information, such as political ideas. 

Additionally, major digital companies have taken actions that restrict the ability of the advertising sector to follow and target consumers. Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT), which is both widely used and incredibly effective, is an excellent example. Analysts estimate that in 2022, Facebook would have lost close to $13 billion in revenue. And that's only one business. 

Google has also taken similar actions, most notably by deciding to stop using tracking cookies in Google Chrome in 2024. Building anti-fingerprinting technology is a goal of the open-source Chromium project, which also creates the engine that powers Microsoft's Edge, Brave, and the Chrome browser. These will make it even more difficult for ad-tech companies to accurately identify people. 

In other words, the legal and technological framework that let the ad-tech business flourish unrestrainedly has been removed. The importance of these developments cannot be overstated. The impending ban on the sale of new gasoline vehicles in California and other US jurisdictions is the closest analogy I can come up with. They will be that drastically transformational. 

There is a cascading impact from these actions. Legislators and tech companies aren't the only ones making life difficult for the online advertising industry. Digital channels are consequently becoming less desirable (or useful) for advertisers. They are therefore seeking other places to spend their budget. One outstanding example is audio advertising, which surged by 57.9 percent in 2021 and is still rapidly expanding.

Future of digital advertising 

I believe it is important to provide some depth so that I am not accused of using the same clickbait strategies that I criticised before in this article. I firmly feel that the current method of digital ads is obsolete. It will happen in due course. Simply said, there is no longer any technological infrastructure or regulatory negligence that supported the status order. Clearly, companies will continue to advertise their products online. But it will appear very different from what we have right now. The age of highly specific targeting has come to an end. 

Additionally, the importance of the browser to advertisers will decline, partly as a result of the causes I already discussed but also as a result of the widespread adoption of technology solutions that enable users to efficiently opt out of advertising. Ad blockers are used by about 42.7% of people, and this percentage is rising. 

In terms of digital channels, controlled platforms like YouTube will become more prevalent. This is an excellent illustration of what online advertising will look like in the future because most of its customers choose to utilise the mobile app to access the site, which makes it nearly difficult to block advertising without subscribing to a premium service. 

Browser-based advertising will inevitably rely on cohort-based or contextual targeting. As a result, advertisers will probably see a decline in conversions and switch back to more traditional advertising channels. One excellent illustration of this is audio, as I already highlighted. Additionally, outdoor advertising is.

In other words, although being less invasive, this new iteration of digital advertising will also be less profitable. Working with massive, monolithic platforms like YouTube will be necessary since they can exercise some control over the situation through their mobile experiences. Less and less of the world's advertising budget will be spent on online advertisements. Most of this problem is self-inflicted.

By simply exercising more control and self-policing, the digital advertising business might have prevented a large portion of this upheaval. Though it didn't. It must now pay the price of the approaching existential crisis.