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From Smartphones to State Security: The Reach of China’s New Surveillance Laws

China’s New Law Expands State Surveillance, Raises Global Concerns

China has enacted new restrictions under its Counter-espionage Law, shocking the international world and raising severe concerns about privacy and human rights. These guidelines, which went into effect on July 1, 2024, provide state security officers broad rights to inspect and search electronic equipment such as smartphones and computers, presumably in the name of national security. 

The "Provisions on Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures of National Security Organs" mark a considerable increase in state monitoring capabilities. Under the new legislation, authorities can now collect "electronic data" from personal devices such as text messages, emails, instant messages, group chats, documents, photos, audio and video files, apps, and log records. This broad mandate effectively converts each citizen's smartphone into a potential source of information for state security authorities.

Loopholes: Easy Searches and Broad Definitions

One of the most concerning downsides to these new regulations is the ease with which state security agents can conduct searches. According to Article 40 of the regulations, law enforcement officers can undertake on-the-spot inspections by just producing their police or reconnaissance cards, with the agreement of a municipal-level state security organ head. In an emergency, these checks can even be conducted without warrants, weakening safeguards against arbitrary enforcement. 

The regulations' ambiguous and sweeping nature is particularly concerning. Article 20 specifies "electronic data" and "audio-visual materials" as evidence that can be utilized in investigations, while Article 41 defines the "person being inspected" as not just the device's owner, but also its holder, custodian, or linked unit. This broad term may subject a wide range of individuals and organizations to examination.

Potential for Abuse and Privacy Invasion

Also, the regulations empower authorities to order individuals and organizations to stop utilizing specific electronic equipment, facilities, and related programs. In circumstances when people refuse to comply with "rectification requirements," state security agencies may seal or seize the gadgets in question. This provision opens the door to possible abuse, allowing the state to effectively muzzle dissenting voices or impede the functioning of organizations it considers harmful. 

The new guidelines also permit the "extraction," collecting, and storage of electronic data for evidence, as well as the seizure of original storage media. This level of penetration into personal data raises major problems regarding the preservation of privacy and confidential information, specifically foreign companies working in China.

Distrust and Limiting Free Expression

While the Ministry of State Security has attempted to soothe concerns by saying that these regulations would target "individuals and organizations related to spy groups" and that "ordinary passengers would not have their smartphones inspected at airports," the provisions' broad language leaves plenty of room for interpretation and potential abuse. 

The adoption of these laws coincides with the Chinese government's wider drive to encourage residents to be watchful against perceived risks to national security, including keeping an eye out for foreign spies in their daily lives. This culture of distrust, combined with additional powers provided to state security institutions, is likely to limit free expression and international participation in China.

Protecting Digital Rights

China's new legislation, which give state security organizations broad rights to examine and confiscate electronic devices, constitute a huge increase in the state's surveillance capabilities and a serious danger to individual privacy and freedom of speech. As the digital dragnet tightens, the international community must remain watchful and push for the protection of fundamental human rights in the digital era. The long-term repercussions of these actions may reach beyond China's borders, establishing a frightening precedent for authoritarian governance in the digital age.

Attackers Exploit 2018 ThinkPHP Vulnerabilities to Install ‘Dama’ Web Shells


Chinese threat actors are exploiting CVE-2018-20062 and CVE-2019-9082 vulnerabilities in ThinkPHP applications to install Dama, a persistent web shell.

The web shell allows for further exploitation of the compromised endpoints, such as enlisting them as part of the perpetrators' infrastructure to avoid detection in future operations. 

The first indications of this activity date back to October 2023, but according to Akamai analysts tracking it, the malicious behaviour has lately expanded and intensified.

Targeting old flaws

ThinkPHP is a popular open-source framework for developing online appps, particularly in China.

CVE-2018-20062, which was resolved in December 2018, is a vulnerability identified in NoneCMS 1.3 that allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code by manipulating the filter parameter. 

CVE-2019-9082 affects ThinkPHP 3.2.4 and older, which is used in Open Source BMS 1.1.1. It is a remote command execution issue that was addressed in February 2019.

The two weaknesses are exploited in this campaign to allow attackers to execute remote malware, impacting the underlying content management systems (CMS) on the target endpoints. 

Specifically, the attackers exploit the vulnerabilities to download a text file called "public.txt," which is actually the obfuscated Dama web shell saved as "roeter.php.”

The payload is downloaded from hacked servers in Hong Kong, and the attackers gain remote server control after a simple authentication step with the password "admin." 

According to Akamai, the servers delivering the payloads are infected with the same web shell, implying that compromised systems are being used as nodes in the attacker's infrastructure. 


Exploiting 6-year-old flaws serves as another reminder of the ongoing issue of inadequate vulnerability management, as attackers in this case use security vulnerabilities that were patched a long time ago. 

The recommended course of action for potentially impacted organisations is to upgrade to the most recent ThinkPHP version, 8.0, which is safe against known remote code execution flaws. 

Akamai further adds that the campaign's targeting reach is vast, including systems that do not use ThinkPHP, implying opportunistic goals.

400% Increase in MoD Data Breaches Sparks Fears of Cyber Threats from Russia and China


Data breaches within the Ministry of Defence (MoD) have surged nearly fivefold over the past five years, raising concerns about the UK's resilience against cyber threats from nations like Russia and China. MoD figures reveal 550 data incidents last year, up from 117 in 2017-18.

Ministers also disclosed that the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is currently investigating three personal data incidents at the MoD. Both the Conservative and Labour parties have prioritized national security in their election campaigns amid global instability and threats from Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.

Recent warnings suggest the upcoming UK general election could be targeted by cyber attacks and AI deep fakes from hostile states. Many breaches involve unauthorized disclosures by MoD staff, exacerbating concerns about security in a department recently hit by a suspected Chinese cyber attack.

Labour criticized the Conservative government for its “lax approach to cyber security,” promising that a Keir Starmer administration would prioritize the UK's security. However, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak countered by questioning Labour’s national security stance, highlighting Starmer’s past support for Jeremy Corbyn as a potential risk.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that the MoD’s payroll system, managed by contractor SSCL, suffered a major hack attributed to China. Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden, in a letter to shadow Cabinet Office minister Pat McFadden, stated that the Government has enhanced security measures in its procurement processes following this breach.

In 2017-18, the MoD reported 117 data breaches, including unauthorized disclosures, lost equipment or documents, and insecure document disposal. By 2022-23, breaches had risen to 550, with unauthorized disclosures making up the majority. In 2023, the ICO fined the MoD £350,000 after 265 individuals' details were compromised in email breaches following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.

Defence Minister Andrew Murrison recently confirmed that the ICO has three ongoing investigations into personal data incidents at the MoD. Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey criticized the MoD’s worsening data security record, noting that breaches have tripled over five years, and vowed that a Labour government would enhance the UK’s cyber-security.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps announced an urgent investigation into the recent MoD payroll cyber attack and a broader review of SSCL’s contracts with the MoD and other Whitehall departments. Dowden emphasized the importance of strengthening domestic cyber resilience to achieve national and international security goals. The Cabinet Office has implemented measures to ensure robust data security requirements in procurement contracts with third-party contractors across Whitehall.

Privacy and Security Risks in Chinese Electric Vehicles: Unraveling the Data Dilemma

Privacy and Security Risks in Chinese Electric Vehicles: Unraveling the Data Dilemma

The rapid rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has transformed the automotive industry, promising cleaner energy and reduced emissions. But as we enjoy this automotive transformation, we must also grapple with the intricate web of data collection and privacy concerns woven into these high-tech machines. 

One particular area of interest is Chinese-made EVs, which dominate the global market. This blog post delves into the privacy and security risks associated with these vehicles, drawing insights from a recent investigation.

The Cyber Angle

In 2022, Tor Indstøy purchased a Chinese electric vehicle for $69,000 to accommodate his growing family.

Indstøy had an ulterior motivation for purchasing an ES8, a luxury SUV from Shanghai-based NIO Inc. The Norwegian cybersecurity specialist wanted to investigate the EV and see how much data it collects and transmits back to China.

He co-founded Project Lion Cage with several industry acquaintances to examine his SUV and release the findings.

Since its inception in July 2023, Indstøy and his crew have provided nearly a dozen status reports. These have largely consisted of them attempting to comprehend the enormously complex vehicle and the operation of its numerous components.

The $69,000 Chinese Electric Vehicle Under Scrutiny

In a fascinating experiment, Norwegian cybersecurity researcher Tor Indstøy purchased a $69,000 Chinese electric vehicle—an ES8 luxury SUV manufactured by Shanghai-based NIO Inc. His motive? To dissect the vehicle, uncover its data practices, and shed light on potential risks. 

The project, aptly named “Project Lion Cage,” aims to answer critical questions about data privacy and security in EVs.

The Complexity of EVs: A Data Goldmine

Electric cars are not mere transportation devices; they are rolling data centers. Unlike their gas-powered counterparts, EVs rely heavily on electronic components—up to 2,000 to 3,000 chips per vehicle. 

These chips control everything from battery management to infotainment systems. Each chip can collect and transmit data, creating a vast information flow network within the vehicle.

However, studying EVs is also a challenge. Traditional cybersecurity tools designed for PCs and servers need to improve when dealing with the intricate architecture of electric cars. Researchers like Indstøy face unique challenges as they navigate this uncharted territory.

Privacy Concerns: What Data Lies Beneath?

Indstøy and his team have identified potential areas of concern for the NIO ES8, but no major revelations have been made.

One example is how data gets into and out of the vehicle. According to the researchers, China received over 90% of the communications, which contained data ranging from simple voice commands to the car to the vehicle's geographical location. Other destinations included Germany, the United States, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and others.

Indstøy suggests that the ambiguity of some communications could be a source of concern. For example, the researchers discovered that the car was regularly downloading a single, unencrypted file from a internet address, but they have yet to determine its purpose.

The Geopolitical Angle

China’s dominance in the EV market raises geopolitical concerns. With nearly 60% of global EV sales happening in China, the data collected by these vehicles becomes a strategic asset. 

Governments worry about potential espionage, especially given the close ties between Chinese companies and the state. The Biden administration’s cautious approach to Chinese-made EVs reflects these concerns.

Researchers Uncover Numerous Chinese Hacker Collectives Exploiting Ivanti Security Vulnerabilities


Several threat actors with connections to China have been identified as responsible for exploiting three security vulnerabilities affecting Ivanti appliances. These vulnerabilities are identified as CVE-2023-46805, CVE-2024-21887, and CVE-2024-21893.

Mandiant, a cybersecurity firm, has been monitoring these clusters of threat actors, identifying them under the names UNC5221, UNC5266, UNC5291, UNC5325, UNC5330, and UNC5337. Among them, UNC3886, a Chinese hacking group, has been previously known for exploiting zero-day bugs in Fortinet and VMware systems to infiltrate networks.

Financially motivated actors have also been observed exploiting CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887, likely for cryptocurrency mining purposes.

UNC5266 overlaps in part with UNC3569, a China-nexus espionage actor that has been observed exploiting vulnerabilities in Aspera Faspex, Microsoft Exchange, and Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator, among others, to gain initial access to target environments," Mandiant researchers said

Post-exploitation activities by these threat actors often involve deploying malicious tools such as the Sliver command-and-control framework, WARPWIRE credential stealer variant, and a new backdoor named TERRIBLETEA, which comes with various functionalities like command execution and keylogging.

UNC5330 has been combining CVE-2024-21893 and CVE-2024-21887 to target Ivanti Connect Secure VPN appliances, leveraging custom malware like TONERJAM and PHANTOMNET for further actions. These include reconnaissance, lateral movement, and compromising LDAP bind accounts for higher privileges.

UNC5337, another China-linked group, has been using CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-218 to infiltrate Ivanti devices since January 2024, deploying a custom malware toolset known as SPAWN. This toolset includes components like SPAWNSNAIL, SPAWNMOLE, SPAWNANT, and SPAWNSLOTH, designed for stealthy and persistent backdoor access.

Mandiant assesses with medium confidence that UNC5337 and UNC5221 might be the same group, highlighting the sophistication of their tools aimed at avoiding detection.

UNC5221 has also been associated with various web shells and a Perl-based web shell called ROOTROT, which is embedded into legitimate files to evade detection. Successful deployment of these shells leads to network reconnaissance and lateral movement, potentially compromising vCenter servers with a Golang backdoor named BRICKSTORM.

Finally, UNC5291, likely associated with another group called UNC3236, has been targeting academic, energy, defense, and health sectors, focusing on Citrix Netscaler ADC initially before shifting to Ivanti Connect Secure devices.

These findings emphasize the ongoing threat posed by edge appliances, with threat actors utilizing a combination of zero-day vulnerabilities, open-source tools, and custom backdoors to evade detection and maintain access to networks for extended periods. access to target systems.

Safeguarding the NHS: Protecting Against Potential Cyber Attacks from China


Recent concerns have surfaced regarding the vulnerability of the NHS to cyberattacks, particularly from China. Reports indicate that Beijing-backed actors exploited software flaws to access the personal details of millions of Britons. As experts in cybersecurity, it's crucial to address these fears and provide insights into safeguarding against potential cyber threats. 

The prospect of a cyber attack on the NHS by hostile actors underscores the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures. With the personal details of 40 million Britons potentially compromised, the stakes are high, and proactive steps must be taken to protect sensitive data and preserve public trust in the healthcare system. 

One of the primary concerns raised by these reports is the exploitation of software flaws to gain unauthorized access to personal information. Vulnerabilities in software systems can provide entry points for cybercriminals to launch attacks, compromising the integrity and security of sensitive data stored within NHS databases. 

Furthermore, the involvement of state-backed actors adds a layer of complexity to the threat landscape. Nation-state cyber-attacks are often sophisticated and well-coordinated, making them particularly challenging to defend against. As such, healthcare organizations must remain vigilant and adopt comprehensive security measures to detect and deter potential threats. To defend against potential cyber attacks from China or any other threat actor, the NHS must prioritize cybersecurity at every level. 

This includes implementing robust security protocols, conducting regular risk assessments, and investing in advanced threat detection and response capabilities. Additionally, healthcare professionals and staff members must receive comprehensive training on cybersecurity best practices to recognize and respond to potential threats effectively. By fostering a culture of security awareness and vigilance, the NHS can strengthen its defenses against cyber attacks and mitigate the risk of data breaches. 

Collaboration and information sharing are also essential components of an effective cybersecurity strategy. By partnering with government agencies, cybersecurity experts, and industry stakeholders, the NHS can stay ahead of emerging threats and leverage collective intelligence to bolster its security posture. 

While the prospect of a cyber attack on the NHS is concerning, it's essential to approach these threats with a proactive and informed mindset. By implementing robust cybersecurity measures, fostering a culture of security awareness, and collaborating with relevant stakeholders, the NHS can enhance its resilience against potential cyber threats and safeguard the personal data of millions of Britons.

Former Google Employee Charged with Stealing AI Secrets


A former Google software engineer has been charged with stealing the company's artificial intelligence trade secrets while surreptitiously working for two Chinese companies, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. 

Linwei Ding, a Chinese national, was arrested in Newark, California, for four charges of federal trade secret theft, each punishable by up to ten years in prison. 

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the case against Ding, 38, at an American Bar Association conference in San Francisco. Garland, along with other law enforcement leaders, has repeatedly warned about the threat of Chinese economic surveillance as well as the national security concerns posed by developments in artificial intelligence and other novel technologies.

“Today’s charges are the latest illustration of the lengths affiliates of companies based in the People’s Republic of China are willing to go to steal American innovation,” FBI Director Christopher Wray noted in a statement. “The theft of innovative technology and trade secrets from American companies can cost jobs and have devastating economic and national security consequences.” 

Google said it came to the conclusion that the employee had stolen "numerous documents" and had referred the case to law enforcement. 

“We have strict safeguards to prevent the theft of our confidential commercial information and trade secrets,” Google spokesman Jose Castaneda explained. “After an investigation, we found that this employee stole numerous documents, and we quickly referred the case to law enforcement. We are grateful to the FBI for helping protect our information and will continue cooperating with them closely.”

Artificial intelligence is the primary battleground for high-tech competitors, and who dominates can have far-reaching commercial and security repercussions. In recent weeks, Justice Department leaders have warned that foreign foes may use AI technologies to target the United States. 

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco stated in a speech last month that the administration's multi-agency Disruptive Technology Strike Force would prioritise AI enforcement, and Wray told a conference last week that AI and other novel technologies had made it easier for attackers to try to interfere with the American political process. 

The indictment, unsealed Wednesday in the Northern District of California, alleges that Ding, who was hired by Google in 2019 and had access to sensitive information regarding the firm's supercomputing data centres, began uploading hundreds of files to a personal Google Cloud account two years ago. 

According to prosecutors, Ding was offered the post of chief technology officer at an early-stage technology business in China that advertised its use of AI technology and gave him a monthly salary of around $14,800, plus an annual bonus and company stock, just weeks after the theft started. The indictment says Ding travelled to China to attend investor meetings and seek funding for the company. 

In January, the FBI filed a search warrant at Ding's house and seized his electronic equipment, followed by an additional warrant for the contents of his personal accounts, which contained more than 500 distinct files of classified data that investigators claim he stole from Google.

China Caught Deploying Remote Access Trojan Tailored for FortiGate Devices


The Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIVD) of the Netherlands has issued a warning regarding the discovery of a new strain of malware believed to be orchestrated by the Chinese government. Named "Coathanger," this persistent and highly elusive malware has been identified as part of a broader political espionage agenda, targeting vulnerabilities in FortiGate devices.

In a recent advisory, MIVD disclosed that Coathanger was employed in espionage activities aimed at the Dutch Ministry of Defense (MOD) in 2023. Investigations into the breach revealed that the malware exploited a known flaw in FortiGate devices, specifically CVE-2022-42475.
Coathanger operates as a second-stage malware and does not exploit any novel vulnerabilities. 
Unlike some malware that relies on new, undisclosed vulnerabilities (zero-day exploits), Coathanger operates as a second-stage malware and does not exploit any novel vulnerabilities. However, the advisory emphasizes that it could potentially be used in conjunction with future vulnerabilities in FortiGate devices.

Described as stealthy and resilient, Coathanger evades detection by concealing itself through sophisticated methods, such as hooking system calls to evade detection. It possesses the capability to survive system reboots and firmware upgrades, making it particularly challenging to eradicate.

According to Dutch authorities, Coathanger is just one component of a larger-scale cyber espionage campaign orchestrated by Chinese state-sponsored threat actors. These actors target various internet-facing edge devices, including firewalls, VPN servers, and email servers.

The advisory issued by Dutch intelligence underscores the aggressive scanning tactics employed by Chinese threat actors, who actively seek out both disclosed and undisclosed vulnerabilities in edge devices. It warns of their rapid exploitation of vulnerabilities, sometimes within the same day they are made public.

Given the popularity of Fortinet devices as cyberattack targets, businesses are urged to prioritize patch management. Recent reports from Fortinet highlighted the discovery of two critical vulnerabilities in its FortiSIEM solution, emphasizing the importance of prompt patching.

To mitigate the risk posed by Coathanger and similar threats, intelligence analysts recommend conducting regular risk assessments on edge devices, restricting internet access on these devices, implementing scheduled logging analysis, and replacing any hardware that is no longer supported.

Myanmar Rebels Take Authority of ‘Pig Butchering’ Scam City Laukkaing

Well known for being a hub for online scams near the border with China, Laukkaing is presently under the authority of a coalition of rebel groups in Myanmar.

On Thursday, the Three Brotherhood Alliance, which had conducted a surprise attack in Shan state, on the country's northern border, in late October, took over the city from the military administration of Myanmar. The rebel organization claims that the military has given up control over the Kokang region, which is about the size of Lebanon.

Since the beginning of the campaign, the coalition has indicated its plans to deal with the organized scams that have emerged under the watch of militias loyal to the ruling junta. 

“To eradicate telecommunications fraud, fraud dens and their protective umbrellas across the country, including the China-Myanmar border areas, our three coalition forces decided to jointly carry out this military operation,” the coalition stated upon the launch of the offensive.

The rebel groups' emphasis on the flourishing scam sector is probably an attempt to win over China, which has grown weary of seeing its citizens targeted into the compounds to conduct scams, or worse, targeted by so-called 'pig butchering scams.'

Over last weekend, junta leader Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing met with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong in Naypyidaw to discuss border security and organized crime.

“The two sides will jointly maintain peace and stability on the China-Myanmar border, cooperate to combat cross-border criminal activities such as telecommunications fraud, and jointly promote regional peace, tranquillity, development and prosperity,” stated the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the meeting.

As per a state media outlet China Daily, Wang Xiaohong, Minister of Public Security also attended a virtual meeting with Myanmar’s Home Affairs Minister, Lt. Gen. Yar Pyae, where they both agreed to strengthen law enforcement to protect security and stability in border areas, especially by stepping up efforts to deal with online and telecom fraud.

According to a UN report from August 2023, around 120,000 individuals were coerced into scamming operations in Myanmar. In most cases, pig butchering scams entail a con artist establishing a rapport with a victim via social media, dating services, or messaging apps.

On January 5, Chinese state media reported that 41,000 individuals implicated in telecom fraud in Myanmar were turned over to Chinese police in the previous year. The number of people that were taken into custody who were trafficked is unknown.

Observers have cautioned that despite the crackdown in northern Myanmar, activities might easily move to criminal areas elsewhere in the nation, particularly near the borders with Thailand and Laos.  

China’s MIIT Proposes Color-coded Contingency Plan for Security Incidents

On Friday, China proposed a four-tier classification system, in an effort to address data security incidents, underscoring concerns of Beijing in regards to the widespread data leaks and hacking incidents in the country. 

This emergency plan comes when the country is facing increased geopolitical tensions with the United States and its allies and follows an incident last year where a threat actor claimed to have gained access to a massive amount of personal data belonging to over a billion Chinese individuals from the Shanghai police.  

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released a detailed document outlining the procedures that local governments and businesses should follow in evaluating and handling issues of data leaks.  

The plan, which is currently seeking public input, suggests a four-tiered, colour-coded system based on the extent of harm done to the economy, a company’s online and information network, or the running of the economy. 

As per the plan, data breach incidents that involve losses worth a billion yuan ($141 million) or more, and affect the "sensitive" information of over 10 million people will be classified as "especially grave". These will be incidents that must issue a red warning, according to the plan.

MIIT released a 25-page document, where it classified all instances of data being unlawfully accessed, leaked, destroyed, or altered into four hierarchical tiers, based on the extent and severity of the harm inflicted. The classification is as follows: 

  • Red (“especially significant”): This level signifies that the disturbance and shutdown of operations lasted for more than 24 hours, with economic loss of more than 1 billion yuan, or the personal data of more than 100 million people being compromised, or sensitive data of more than 10 million people.
  • Orange (“significant”): This suggests that the interruption lasted for more than 12 hours, with a financial loss between 100 million and 1 billion, or the compromise of personal data of over 10 million people, or sensitive data of more than 1 million people.
  • Yellow (“Yellow”): It implies that the interference lasted for more than 8 hours, with an economic loss ranging between 50 million yuan and 100 million yuan, or affected the personal information of over 1 million people, or sensitive data of more than 100,000 people.
  • Blue (“General”): Incidents involved in this category are comparatively minor, with interruption lasting less than eight hours, with financial compromise of less than 50 million yuan, or affected personal data of less than 1 million people, or sensitive data of less than 100,000 people.

The plan stipulates, among other things, that in the event of red or orange warnings, the concerned companies and the local regulatory authorities shall set up a 24-hour work schedule to handle the situation and notify MIIT of the data breach within 10 minutes of the incident occurring.

A statement by MIIT reads, "If the incident is judged to be grave... it should be immediately reported to the local industry regulatory department, no late reporting, false reporting, concealment or omission of reporting is allowed.”  

China Issues Alert on Geographical Information Data Breaches Impacting Transportation and Military


 China has recently issued a stern warning regarding the use of foreign geographic software, expressing serious concerns about the potential leakage of critical information related to its essential infrastructure and military. The Ministry of State Security, while refraining from directly attributing blame, has asserted that the identified software is equipped with "backdoors," designed to facilitate deliberate and unauthorized access to sensitive data.

This cautionary move comes at a time of heightened global tensions, with China prioritizing the reinforcement of security measures within key industries. This focus on security has been particularly accentuated amid increased saber rattling towards Taiwan and continued assurances from the United States to the island nation.

There is a growing suspicion that China may be involved in a series of recent cyberattacks aimed at probing the infrastructure of the United States. The alleged objective is to develop a comprehensive attack playbook, presumably in anticipation of potential hostilities between the two superpowers.

In response to these concerns, the United States has taken proactive steps to secure the domestic production of semiconductors, earmarking substantial investments under the CHIPS Act. The objective is to establish semiconductor manufacturing facilities across the country, a move considered essential for national security.

This strategic initiative by the United States is underscored by the perceived risk of Chinese espionage associated with the current reliance on semiconductor imports from production hubs in East Asia. The investment in domestic semiconductor production is thus framed as a crucial measure to mitigate vulnerabilities and safeguard national interests in the face of evolving geopolitical dynamics..

China Launches Probe into Geographic Data Security

China has started a security investigation into the export of geolocation data, a development that highlights the nation's rising concerns about data security. The probe, which was made public on December 11, 2023, represents a major advancement in China's attempts to protect private information, especially geographic information that can have national security ramifications.

The decision to scrutinize the outbound flow of geographic data comes amid a global landscape increasingly shaped by digital technologies. China, like many other nations, recognizes the strategic importance of such data in areas ranging from urban planning and transportation to military operations. The probe aims to ensure that critical geographic information does not fall into the wrong hands, posing potential threats to the nation's security.

The official statements from Chinese authorities emphasize the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures, especially concerning data breaches that could affect transportation and military operations. The concern is not limited to unauthorized access but extends to the potential misuse of geographic information, which could compromise critical infrastructure and national defense capabilities.

"Geographic information is a cornerstone of national security, and any breaches in its handling can have far-reaching consequences," a spokeswoman for China's Ministry of Public Security said. In order to stop unwanted access or abuse, our objective is to locate and fix any possible weaknesses in the system."

International watchers have taken notice of the development, which has sparked concerns about the wider ramifications for companies and organizations that deal with geolocation data. Other countries might review their own cybersecurity regulations as a result of China's aggressive steps to bolster its data protection safeguards.

This development aligns with a global trend where countries are increasingly recognizing the need to regulate and protect the flow of sensitive data, particularly in the digital age. As data becomes a valuable asset with strategic implications, governments are compelled to strike a balance between fostering innovation and safeguarding national interests.

China's security probe into the export of geographic data signals a heightened awareness of the potential risks associated with data breaches. As the world becomes more interconnected, nations are grappling with the challenge of securing critical information. The outcome of China's investigation will likely shape future policies and practices in data security, setting a precedent for other countries to follow suit in safeguarding their digital assets.

Ransomware Shakes ICBC: Global Financial Markets on High Alert

In a startling turn of events, Wall Street was rocked by a devastating ransomware attack that affected China's Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the country's biggest lender. The attack disrupted trade and brought attention to the growing threat of cybercrime in the financial sector.

The attack, which targeted ICBC, was not only a significant blow to the bank but also had far-reaching implications on the global financial landscape. Wall Street, closely intertwined with international markets, experienced a temporary halt in trade as the news of the cyber assault reverberated across financial news outlets.

The ransomware attack on ICBC serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of even the most robust financial institutions to sophisticated cyber threats. The attackers, exploiting weaknesses in ICBC's cybersecurity infrastructure, managed to compromise critical systems, causing widespread disruptions and raising concerns about the broader implications for the global financial ecosystem.

As information about the attack unfolded, reports indicated that ICBC struggled to contain the breach promptly. The incident prompted regulatory bodies and financial institutions worldwide to reevaluate their cybersecurity measures, recognizing the urgent need for robust defenses against evolving cyber threats.

The consequences of such attacks extend beyond financial disruptions. They underscore the importance of collaborative efforts among nations and private enterprises to strengthen global cybersecurity frameworks. The interconnected nature of the modern financial system demands a united front against cyber threats, with a focus on information sharing, technological innovation, and proactive defense strategies.

In the aftermath of the ICBC attack, financial markets witnessed increased scrutiny from regulators, urging institutions to fortify their cybersecurity postures. This incident serves as a wake-up call for the industry, emphasizing the need for continuous investment in cybersecurity measures, employee training, and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies to stay ahead of evolving threats.

The broader implications of the ICBC ransomware attack are not limited to the financial sector alone. They underscore the need for a collective and proactive approach to cybersecurity across industries, as cyber threats continue to grow in scale and sophistication. As nations and businesses grapple with the aftermath of this attack, it becomes increasingly evident that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility that transcends borders and industries.

China Sets Sights on 'Unlawful' Weather Stations in Spy Hunting Campaign


China is intensifying efforts to counter foreign espionage activities through a crackdown on weather stations believed to be spying for other countries. The Ministry of State Security, China's civilian spy agency, announced the discovery of hundreds of illegal meteorological stations with foreign connections that were transmitting real-time weather data abroad, violating data regulations and posing national security risks. These stations were uncovered in over 20 provinces, with some receiving direct funding from foreign governments, according to the ministry's statement.

The spy agency revealed that some of these stations were strategically placed near sensitive locations like military bases and defense companies to gather altitude and GPS data. Additionally, others were situated in key grain-producing regions to analyze crop growth and grain yield. The agency emphasized that some of the devices were small, easily deployable, and difficult to detect, enabling them to autonomously collect and transmit data in real-time.

Certain stations were found to be sending real-time information at high frequencies and multiple intervals for extended periods to official meteorological agencies overseas. These activities were said to serve the "homeland security" and meteorological monitoring of foreign nations, though the ministry did not specify which countries were involved.

The discovery was made after an investigation into more than 10 overseas meteorological equipment agents and inspections of over 3,000 foreign-linked meteorological stations across China. The foreign entities involved had not obtained the necessary administrative licenses for their operations, and they had neither submitted data to Chinese meteorological authorities nor obtained approval to transmit data overseas.

The Ministry of State Security underscored the significance of meteorological data, emphasizing its relevance to data security, resource security, and its close connection to military, food, ecological security, climate change, and public interests. The illegal collection and cross-border transmission of such data were deemed to endanger China's sovereignty, security, and developmental interests.

This crackdown on foreign-linked weather stations comes eight months after the United States shot down a Chinese surveillance balloon that had drifted across the continental US and hovered over sensitive military sites. China maintained that it was a "civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological, purposes" that had strayed from its planned course, and accused the US of an overreaction.

Since then, both China and the United States have made public accusations of spying against each other. While espionage between the two nations is not new, the deteriorating relationship has amplified this rivalry.

In recent months, China's Ministry of State Security has taken a more prominent role in publicizing alleged cases of espionage by the US, claiming to have apprehended several spies working for the CIA. This shift in strategy is unusual for the typically secretive agency, which handles intelligence and counterintelligence within China and abroad. It even launched a public account on WeChat, a widely used social messaging app in China, to encourage the public to report suspicious activities.

This increased focus on counter-espionage comes shortly after CIA Director William Burns stated that his agency had made progress in rebuilding its spy network in China, following significant setbacks a decade ago.l

From China To WikiLeaks: Censored Texts Survive In Bitcoin And Ethereum

Bitcoin is described by individuals in varied way, some say it is digital money currency, a digital store of value and a platform for data that is immune to censorship.

Fundamentally, anyone can access and upload data, thanks to technology; nevertheless, bitcoin has transformed that data into directly valuable economic assets by establishing a bearer asset that can be traded for goods or fiat money. Interestingly, transferring texts is banned in one nation, they are completely legal in another. 

Project Spartacus, an effort to employ ordinals to inscribe every war record on Wikileaks, was inspired by this new use case. An interview with Dr. Ai Fen, the first "whistleblower" physician in China during the COVID-19 pandemic, was also banned. It was first posted on the Ethereum blockchain and many of the resources pertaining to her were progressively removed from the Chinese Internet.

A new technique called ordinals makes it possible to associate each sat in a Bitcoin transaction with an equivalent resource in the Bitcoin's memory pool. As a result, it is now possible to generate NFTs on Bitcoin.

Project Spartacus uses ordinals to facilitate the conversion of Wikileaks war log photos into Bitcoin. In this case, the objects in question are a permanent archive of papers related to which Julian Assange was prosecuted. By choosing to commit one of the war logs to every block, they can make sure that the financial power underlying Bitcoin is dedicated to safeguarding the logs. Additionally, there is a section for Bitcoin donations to different nonprofit organizations.

Not only has non-economic data been put into Bitcoin blocks before, but with ordinals, there has never been a greater need or opportunity for programmatic inscription implementation. The secret is to utilize a script and imprint several images or actions such that, to the user, they appear to be a single transaction.

The ideology behind Bitcoin’s creation has led to this new censorship-resistant way of disseminating information. Monero, one of the first Bitcoin forks, gets its name from the Esperanto word for money. Socialist nations like Vietnam and the People's Republic of China co-opted Esperanto, the misguided attempt by anarchists with a global mindset to communicate, in order to strengthen their hold on power.

With its value rooted in far more modern technology and financial incentives for its survival, bitcoin has a far better chance of surviving and spreading.  

Canada Reports Targeting of Trudeau and Others by Chinese Bots


Canada has revealed the detection of a disinformation campaign believed to be linked to China, targeting numerous politicians, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 

This campaign, termed "spamouflage," utilized a barrage of online posts to discredit Canadian Members of Parliament, according to the country's foreign ministry. The objective appeared to be suppressing criticism of Beijing. China has consistently denied involvement in Canadian affairs.

Global Affairs Canada disclosed that its Rapid Response Mechanism, designed to monitor state-sponsored disinformation from foreign sources, identified a "spamouflage" campaign associated with Beijing in August. 

This effort, which intensified in early September, employed a bot network to inundate the social media accounts of various Canadian politicians with comments in both English and French. These comments alleged that a critic of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada had accused the politicians of legal and ethical transgressions.

The campaign also featured the likely use of "deep fake" videos, digitally altered by artificial intelligence, targeting individuals. This is the latest in a series of allegations from Canadian intelligence agencies and officials asserting Beijing's interference in Canada's elections.

A "spamouflage" campaign employs a network of new or commandeered social media accounts to disseminate propaganda messages across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Medium, Reddit, TikTok, and LinkedIn. The same accounts were also involved in spreading misinformation about the Hawaii wildfires in August, falsely attributing them to a covert US military "weather weapon."

In addition to the Prime Minister, the campaign targeted Conservative opposition leader Pierre Polievre and several members of Mr. Trudeau's cabinet. Global Affairs Canada has notified the affected social media platforms, leading to the removal of a significant portion of the activity and network. The department has also informed the affected politicians, providing guidance on safeguarding themselves and reporting any suspected foreign interference.

Officials suggest that the bot network behind this campaign may be linked to a broader, well-known Spamouflage network previously acknowledged by tech giants like Meta and Microsoft. This network has also been examined by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, a non-partisan think tank based in Canberra, which assisted Canada in its assessments.

Earlier in September, Canada launched an inquiry into foreign interference, tasked with investigating potential meddling in its elections by China, Russia, and other actors. The BBC has sought comment from the Chinese embassy in Canada.

UK Notifies Nuclear Power Plant Operator About Cybersecurity Weakness

EDF, the company responsible for operating multiple nuclear power facilities in the United Kingdom, has come under increased regulatory scrutiny concerning its cybersecurity practices. 

This heightened attention signifies an escalation of the regulatory oversight initiated the previous year. According to the annual report from the UK's chief nuclear inspector, EDF failed to fulfill its commitment to deliver a comprehensive and adequately resourced cybersecurity improvement plan.

A spokesperson from EDF acknowledged that cybersecurity is a continually evolving concern for all organizations and emphasized their commitment to ongoing enhancement of their management processes, with the aim of eventually returning to standard regulatory scrutiny. The spokesperson also asserted that EDF's current measures pose no risk to the safety of their power stations, recognizing the significance of information security and the associated risks linked to data loss.

There is currently no concrete evidence of successful cyberattacks on British nuclear power plants. Nonetheless, earlier this year, the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) of the UK Parliament issued a warning regarding China's widespread cyber operations, including targeting endeavors in the civil nuclear sector. The ISC revealed that Chinese threat actors had infiltrated the computer networks of energy sector companies, with the primary focus on the non-nuclear segment, driven by China's domestic energy demand.

The specific reasons behind this new wave of regulatory scrutiny, as first reported by The Ferret, have not been disclosed to the public. EDF, a provider of energy to over five million residential and business customers, generated over £8.7 billion in revenue in 2021 but did not provide a comment when requested.

As detailed in the UK's civil nuclear cybersecurity strategy, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) threat assessment highlighted ransomware as the most likely disruptive threat. While a ransomware attack on the IT systems of a nuclear power plant could disrupt its operations, these systems are designed with multiple fail-safes to prevent radiological accidents.

While cyberattacks on the operational technology systems of power plants are uncommon, they are not unprecedented, with the Triton malware in Saudi Arabia in 2017 serving as a notable example. Whether the suspected Russian actors behind such an attack could potentially circumvent the fail-safe mechanisms preventing an explosion remains unknown.

According to the UK government's National Risk Register, a cyberattack targeting the computer systems controlling a nuclear reactor might necessitate a controlled shutdown as a protective measure. While the register did not cite a risk of radiological contamination, the disruption to energy production could be protracted due to the stringent regulatory controls in place for nuclear safety and security.

Introducing China's First Blockchain-Based Data Exchange, Revolutionizing Web3 Data Trading


On August 23, 2023, in Hangzhou, China unveiled the first-ever blockchain-powered data exchange that brings the country's innovative prowess to the fore at the world's largest gathering of global leaders. With the inception of this technological wonder, data trading is about to become a much more sophisticated field that promises to revolutionize global trade for decades to come. 

The Hangzhou Data Exchange, which is a platform designed to transform enterprise-level web3 data trading dynamics, was launched at an event in Hangzhou last week as part of the official launch of the Hangzhou Data Exchange. The exchange aims to foster trusted data circulation while ensuring paramount security and privacy and aiming to reshape how data sharing occurs across regions and departments according to an ambitious vision. 

In the era of Web3, this revolutionary platform will create a new era of data exchange that will make it possible for enterprises to trade data in a secure, traceable, and immutable manner since it leverages the benefits of blockchain technology. Taking on big companies like Alibaba Cloud and Huawei already makes this development a significant milestone in the emergence of a new data economy. 

Data Trading For Enterprises 

There is a pioneering initiative founded in Hangzhou called the Hangzhou Data Exchange, which aims to streamline the trading of enterprise data, by using blockchain technology, to streamline its processes. As the digital world becomes increasingly intertwined across all sectors, it is a necessity to develop cutting-edge platforms that address security challenges, privacy concerns, and trust concerns.

A key part of the exchange's strategy is to establish a distributed ledger platform that will ensure that data trades are not only transparent but also interference-proof due to the use of distributed ledger technology. 

Several collaborations have been established, including the Blockchain and Data Security Laboratory at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Financial Investment Group, and China Mobile Information Technology Company, all of which underscore the company's commitment to pioneering research and building cutting-edge data infrastructure. By partnering with these organizations, users can create a comprehensive map of data assets as part of the vision of building a data economy at scale. 

As part of its classification of digital businesses, the exchange has a unique feature that makes it stand out from its competitors. Taking advantage of this novel approach, which includes categories such as "cornerstone digital business," "spark data business," and "Xinghai digital business," the new research reflects the diverse landscape of digital ventures and the different metrics with which they are evaluated. An organized and structured approach to digital ecosystems is one of China's defining traits regarding maintaining a durable digital economy. 

While China is aggressively embracing blockchain technology, it's essential to acknowledge its dual approach: rigorous regulations for private blockchain ventures and unwavering support for government-led blockchain initiatives. It is evident from the strategy taken by the country that it is dedicated to maximizing the national interest of its citizens by harnessing the potential of blockchain technology. 

It is expected that Hangzhou Data Exchange will reshape global data trading due to its participation by over 300 companies, including industry giants Alibaba Cloud and Huawei. There are growing concerns surrounding data breaches and privacy as the system promises a secure and immutable exchange and trade process.  

As China begins to become a leader in the digital age, it is proud to announce the launch of the blockchain-powered Hangzhou Data Exchange. A mature and secure environment for sharing data is fostering trust and safety in China as it leverages blockchain's capabilities as a way to achieve this, thereby propelling the global data trading market into a fresh and dynamic phase. Taking into account the potential impact of this initiative on industries and economies throughout the world, it is anticipated that it will have a profound impact. 

China's Digital Economy in Hangzhou 

The commitment to digital innovation that Hangzhou has shown over the last few years is nothing new. The city's digital economy sector achieved several impressive milestones in 2022, which includes a milestone of exceeding 500 billion Chinese yuan (roughly $69 billion) in revenue. An astounding 27% of the city's GDP is attributed to this figure, representing a staggering percentage.

The Hangzhou Data Exchange was launched on 26 December 2014, and as a result, this established Hangzhou's position as a frontrunner in the digital economy race, and it will continue to solidify this position in the coming months. To understand the broader context, it is essential to keep an open mind.

Despite China's stringent stance towards private enterprises related to blockchain, the country has always shown unwavering support for government initiatives related to blockchain that have been launched. Taking a dual approach underlines the vision of China that aims to harness the potential of blockchain while aligning it with the interests of the nation at the same time. 

Achieving China's Blockchain Goals

China's grand blockchain vision includes many pieces of the puzzle, and the Hangzhou Data Exchange is just one. China's President Xi Jinping expressed his view regarding the importance of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) during the opening ceremony of the 2023 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Conference. During his address, he focused on their importance in “expanding the share of local currency settlements among SCO countries.” These statements came at the same time that a massive airdrop of the digital yuan CBDC was carried out by Chinese residents to boost domestic spending. This airdrop was intended to boost domestic spending by over 100 million yuan (approximately $13.8 million).

Although China's blockchain ventures have shown promising signs in the past, the road has not been smooth for all of them. There is one such example, the eagerly anticipated nonfungible token exchange CDEX, which has received a lot of attention recently. Although Cointelegraph reported on December 28, 2022, that the platform was nearing its launch date, it remains in development. Despite a country such as China being the world's largest producer of technology, the delay underlined the difficulties associated with developing new technologies. 

Investing in blockchain technology is a key component of China's roadmap to harness the potential of transacting data using blockchain technology, and Hangzhou Data Exchange marks a pivotal moment in that journey. The Web3 Data Economy will be defined by the ability to exchange enterprise data securely and is a precursor to the future of the Web3 economy as a whole. Several industry leaders have been involved in this endeavor, such as Alibaba Cloud and Huawei, demonstrating how crucial this endeavor is and encouraging other enterprises to explore the benefits of trading data using blockchain technology. 

In terms of technological innovation, China has already established itself as a global leader in technological innovation, taking the lead in the transfer of data and connectivity as it continues to navigate the intricacies of blockchain adoption.   

U.S. Hunts Chinese Malware Halting Military Operations


The Biden administration is looking for malware that may jeopardise military and civilian power grids, communications systems, and water supplies, the New York Times reported. 

The malware, which is believed to have been installed by Chinese hackers linked to the People's Liberation Army, could try to sabotage and delay any response by the U.S. military should China take action against Taiwan, according to U.S. officials, who spoke to the Times. 

One congressional representative called the malware "a ticking time bomb" that might allow China to cut off communications, water, and power to military outposts. 

The official also stated that the malware may have an equivalent impact on ordinary Americans' homes and companies. 

The White House sent a statement last week in response to inquiries from the Times prior to the report's publication, but it avoided addressing China or the military bases specifically.

“The Biden administration is working relentlessly to defend the United States from any disruptions to our critical infrastructure, including by coordinating interagency efforts to protect water systems, pipelines, rail and aviation systems, among others,” stated Adam Hodge, acting spokesperson for the National Security Council. 

The report was published just two months after Microsoft revealed that the alleged Chinese hacking group Storm-0558 had gained access to email accounts belonging to approximately 25 organisations, including government agencies, in the United States in addition to official government email accounts in Western Europe. 

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Wang Yi, China's top diplomat, met on the sidelines of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Jakarta. Wang Yi brought up the Chinese cyber espionage attack that targeted emails from the U.S. government. 

Chinese hackers are believed to have targeted email accounts at the State Department and other government organisations in May. They were found right before Blinken's trip to Beijing in June, and they included Gina Raimondo's account. 

Since the normalisation of relations half a century ago, relations between the U.S. and China have never been worse. The two superpowers are at odds over Taiwan, access restrictions to high-tech semiconductor chips for China, and accusations of malicious online behaviour from both sides. 

The U.S. frequently accuses Beijing of cyber attacks against its agencies and infrastructure, and earlier this year, in a high-profile incident, it shot down a bus-sized balloon off the coast of South Carolina.

Microsoft Offers Free Security Features Amid Recent Hacks

Microsoft has taken a big step to strengthen the security of its products in response to the growing cybersecurity threats and a number of recent high-profile attacks. The business has declared that it will offer all users essential security features at no cost. Microsoft is making this change in an effort to allay concerns about the security of its platforms and shield its users from potential cyberattacks.

The Messenger, The Register, and Bloomberg all reported that Microsoft made the decision to offer these security capabilities free of charge in response to mounting demand to improve security across its whole portfolio of products. Recent cyberattacks have brought up important issues with data privacy and information security, necessitating the development of stronger protection methods.

A number of allegedly state-sponsored hacks, with China as a particular target, are one of the main drivers behind this tactical approach. Governments, corporations, and individual users all over the world are extremely concerned about these breaches since they target not only crucial infrastructure but also important data.

Improved encryption tools, multi-factor authentication, and cutting-edge threat detection capabilities are among the free security improvements. Users of Microsoft's operating systems, including Windows 10 and Windows 11, as well as cloud-based services like Microsoft 365 and Azure, will have access to these functionalities. Microsoft wants to make these crucial security features available to a broader variety of customers, independent of subscription plans, by removing the financial barrier.

Microsoft responded to the judgment by saying, "We take the security of our customers' data and their privacy extremely seriously. We think it is our duty to provide our users with the best defenses possible as threats continue to evolve. We believe that by making these security features available for free, more people will take advantage of them and improve their overall cybersecurity posture.

Industry professionals applaud Microsoft for choosing to offer these security measures without charge. This is a huge step in the right direction, said Mark Thompson, a cybersecurity analyst with TechDefend. Because these services are free, Microsoft is enabling its users to properly defend themselves against possible attacks as cyber threats become more complex.

The action is also in line with the work of other cybersecurity organizations, including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which has been promoting improved cooperation amongst IT businesses to battle cyber threats.

Although the choice definitely benefits customers, it also poses a challenge for other digital firms in the sector. Customers are expected to demand comparable initiatives from other big players in response to the growing emphasis on data security and privacy, driving the entire sector toward a more secure future.