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BianLian Ransomware Strikes: US Companies Grapple with Data Breach Fallout

The BianLian ransomware organization is accused of cyberattacking against three major US companies, consisting of large amounts of sensitive data. The victims of the BianLian ransomware attack—Island Transportation Corp., Legend Properties Inc., and Transit Mutual Insurance Corporation of Wisconsin—had their breaches detailed on a dark web forum by the ransomware gang.

This escalation illustrates the growing threat ransomware attacks present against important sectors across the United States.

The Targets

1. Island Transportation Corp.: A heavyweight in the bulk carrier industry, Island Transportation Corp. services the petroleum sector. Unfortunately, they fell victim to the BianLian ransomware attack, compromising a staggering 300 GB of organizational data. Among the exposed information are vital business records, accounting files, project details, and personal data.

2. Legend Properties Inc.: As a well-established commercial real estate and brokerage firm, Legend Properties Inc. found itself in the crosshairs. The attackers gained unauthorized access to 400 GB of sensitive data, including critical business information, accounting records, and personal details.

3. Transit Mutual Insurance Corporation of Wisconsin: A key player in the insurance industry, Transit Mutual Insurance Corporation of Wisconsin suffered a similar fate. The ransomware breach exposed 400 GB of organizational data, encompassing business records, accounting files, project data, and personal information.

The Broader Implications

  • Data Privacy: The compromised data includes personal information, which could lead to identity theft or financial fraud. Companies must prioritize robust data protection mechanisms.
  • Business Continuity: Disruptions caused by ransomware attacks can cripple operations. Organizations need robust backup systems and incident response plans.
  • Industry Vulnerability: No sector is immune. Whether shipping, real estate, or insurance, all must fortify their defenses against cyber threats.


  • Multi-Layered Security: Companies should adopt a multi-layered security approach, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits.
  • Employee Training: Educate employees about phishing, social engineering, and safe online practices. Human error remains a significant vulnerability.
  • Incident Response Plans: Develop and test incident response plans to minimize damage during an attack.

The situation underscores the growing threat posed by ransomware attacks to critical sectors across the United States. 

While Island Transportation Corp.'s website remains functional, Legend Properties Inc. and Transit Mutual Insurance Corporation of Wisconsin have displayed blocking messages, indicating potential disruptions due to the attack.

The Growing Threat of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Attacks

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) attacks have emerged as a formidable menace to businesses worldwide. Organizations must be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their digital assets against this rising threat.

What Is RDP?

RDP is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft that allows users to connect remotely to another computer over a network. It facilitates remote access, making it convenient for system administrators, IT support teams, and even regular users to manage and troubleshoot computers from a distance. However, this very convenience has become a double-edged sword.

The Alarming Statistics

Recent reports highlight the severity of the RDP problem:

Sophos Incident Response Cases (2023): In a study analyzing over 150 incident response cases from 2023, Sophos found that RDP was implicated in 90% of cyberattacks. This percentage has never been higher since tracking began in 2020. Cybercriminals exploit RDP to gain initial access to target endpoints, making it a preferred entry point.

Initial Access Point: In 65% of the cases studied, RDP served as the gateway for attackers to infiltrate networks. Once inside, they would move laterally, install malware, disable endpoint protection tools, and establish remote access.

Repeat Offender: In a chilling example, an attacker successfully compromised a victim four times within six months by exploiting exposed RDP ports. Each breach allowed the attacker to wreak havoc anew.

Why RDP Is Vulnerable

Several factors contribute to RDP’s vulnerability:

Exposed Ports: Organizations often leave RDP ports exposed to the internet, making them easy targets. Attackers scan for open ports and exploit weak credentials or known vulnerabilities.

Credential Stuffing: Attackers use automated tools to test common usernames and passwords. If an RDP server has weak credentials, it becomes a prime target.

Lateral Movement: Once inside a network, attackers escalate privileges and move laterally. RDP provides an ideal pathway for this lateral movement.

Mitigation Strategies

To mitigate the risks associated with RDP, consider the following measures:

Network Segmentation: Isolate critical systems from RDP exposure. Limit access to only authorized users and devices.

Strong Authentication: Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to fortify RDP logins. This adds an extra layer of security beyond passwords.

Regular Audits: Regularly audit RDP configurations and close unnecessary ports. Patch vulnerabilities promptly.

VPN or Secure Gateway: Use a virtual private network (VPN) or a secure gateway to funnel RDP traffic. This reduces direct exposure to the internet.

Logging and Monitoring: Monitor RDP activity for suspicious behavior. Set up alerts for failed login attempts and unusual patterns.

The Urgent Call to Action

The FBI, CISA, and the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) have all issued warnings about RDP risks. Businesses must take heed and adopt a proactive stance. Secure your RDP services, educate employees, and stay informed about emerging threats.

Remember, in the battle against cyber adversaries, prevention is the best defense. Let’s fortify our digital ramparts and keep our organizations safe from the relentless tide of RDP attacks.