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Cleveland Confirms Ransomware Attack Behind City Hall Cyber Issues


Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb’s office informed employees today that the "cyber incident" affecting City Hall computer systems was indeed a ransomware attack.

In an email sent to workers on Friday afternoon, which Signal Cleveland obtained, the city confirmed the ransomware presence following an investigation by city IT staff, the FBI, and the Ohio National Guard’s Cyber Reserve.

"The nature of the attack is still under investigation as we work to restore and recover our systems," the email stated. "At this time, we cannot disclose anything further, as this is a sensitive investigation."

This email marked the city’s first public acknowledgment of the ransomware attack since encountering computer system issues the previous Saturday.

The email noted that ransomware attacks are increasingly common, highlighting that no organization is immune to digital threats. Neither the employee message nor a subsequent news release from the city indicated whether the ransom had been paid.

"We are taking this matter very seriously and are working diligently to assess the full extent of the attack on our systems," the email continued. "We have taken immediate steps to validate our cybersecurity measures and are working to restore our systems as quickly as possible."

City Hall will remain closed to the public on Monday, though employees are expected to report to work. The mayor's office assured that essential services—emergency response, waste collection, recreation centers, the airport, and utilities—are still operational.

International Initiative Targets Cybercrime


The Cybercrime Atlas initiative has shifted into its operational phase in 2024, marking a significant milestone in global cybersecurity efforts. Originating from discussions at the RSA Conference two years prior, the initiative aims to dismantle cybercriminal networks by mapping out their relationships, infrastructure, and supply chains.

Founded with the support of key players like Banco Santander, Fortinet, Microsoft, and Paypal, the initiative has since expanded to include over 20 law enforcement agencies, private-sector security firms, financial institutions, NGOs, and academic institutions. Together, they analyse intelligence packages and profile threat actors to disrupt cybercriminal operations effectively.

Derek Manky, Chief Security Strategist at Fortinet's FortiGuard Labs, emphasises the initiative's focus on intelligence gathering and the identification of choke points and disruption opportunities. The ultimate goal is to dismantle criminal infrastructure, make arrests, and reduce the profitability of cybercrime, sending a clear message to criminals.

Sean Doyle, the lead of the Cybercrime Atlas initiative, highlights its twofold purpose: creating actionable insights and using them collaboratively to impede cybercriminal activities. Despite recent high-profile cyber attacks, such as the ransomware attack on Change Healthcare and the British Library, the initiative strives to make life more challenging for cybercriminals.

The initiative's significance is underscored by the World Economic Forum's involvement and its recognition of cybersecurity as a critical global risk. With "cyber insecurity" ranked as the fourth top short-term global risk in the WEF's Global Risks Report 2024, the initiative represents a proactive approach to address digital threats.

Moreover, the WEF has actively engaged in addressing the cyber skills gap and promoting cybersecurity resilience among organisations. At its annual meeting in Davos, discussions on ransomware disruption garnered interest from CEOs and board members, reflecting a growing awareness of cybersecurity issues beyond traditional IT circles.

Tal Goldstein, Head of Strategy at the WEF Centre for Cybersecurity, emphasises the collaborative nature of tackling cyber threats, highlighting the need for concerted efforts from companies, governments, and international organisations. Recognising the complexity of cybersecurity challenges, the initiative signals a collective response to safeguarding digital ecosystems.

All in all, the Cybercrime Atlas initiative represents a pivotal step towards combating cybercrime on a global scale. With a focus on collaboration, intelligence gathering, and disruption tactics, it aims to mitigate the growing threat posed by cybercriminals, making cyberspace safer for individuals, businesses, and organisations worldwide.

This Side of AI Might Not Be What You Expected


In the midst of our tech-driven era, there's a new concern looming — AI prompt injection attacks. 

Artificial intelligence, with its transformative capabilities, has become an integral part of our digital interactions. However, the rise of AI prompt injection attacks introduces a new dimension of risk, posing challenges to the trust we place in these advanced systems. This article seeks to demystify the threat, shedding light on the mechanisms that underlie these attacks and empowering individuals to operate the AI with a heightened awareness.

But what exactly are they, how do they work, and most importantly, how can you protect yourself?

What is an AI Prompt Injection Attack?

Picture AI as your intelligent assistant and prompt injection attacks as a clever ploy to make it go astray. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems, allowing individuals with malicious intent to sneak in instructions the AI wasn't programmed to handle. In simpler terms, it's like manipulating the AI into saying or doing things it shouldn't. From minor inconveniences to major threats like coaxing people into revealing sensitive information, the implications are profound.

The Mechanics Behind Prompt Injection Attacks

1. DAN Attacks (Do Anything Now):

Think of this as the AI version of "jailbreaking." While it doesn't directly harm users, it expands the AI's capabilities, potentially transforming it into a tool for mischief. For instance, a savvy researcher demonstrated how an AI could be coerced into generating harmful code, highlighting the risks involved.

2. Training Data Poisoning Attacks: 

These attacks manipulate an AI's training data, altering its behaviour. Picture hackers deceiving an AI designed to catch phishing messages, making it believe certain scams are acceptable. This compromises the AI's ability to effectively safeguard users.

3. Indirect Prompt Injection Attacks:

Among the most concerning for users, these attacks involve feeding malicious instructions to the AI before users receive their responses. This could lead to the AI persuading users into harmful actions, such as signing up for a fraudulent website.

Assessing the Threat Level

Yes, AI prompt injection attacks are a legitimate concern, even though no successful attacks have been reported outside of controlled experiments. Regulatory bodies, including the Federal Trade Commission, are actively investigating, underscoring the importance of vigilance in the ever-evolving landscape of AI.

How To Protect Yourself?

Exercise caution with AI-generated information. Scrutinise the responses, recognizing that AI lacks human judgement. Stay vigilant and responsibly enjoy the benefits of AI. Understand that questioning and comprehending AI outputs are essential to navigating this dynamic technological landscape securely.

In essence, while AI prompt injection attacks may seem intricate, breaking down the elements emphasises the need for a mindful and informed approach. 

Key Group Ransomware: Free Decryptor Released

A free decryptor to tackle the infamous Key Group ransomware has been launched, making a huge contribution to the fight against cybercrime. This finding represents a win for cybersecurity professionals and victims alike, offering some hope to those who have been affected by this harmful program.

The ransomware known as Key Group has been making news for all the wrong reasons by encrypting data and demanding large ransom payments from victims. However, a recent development has provided some solace. Organizations and security professionals have teamed up to create a decryptor that can free users from the grip of this digital threat.

The Key Group ransomware, like many others of its kind, infiltrates computer systems, encrypts data, and demands a ransom for the decryption key. These attacks have wreaked havoc on individuals and organizations, causing data loss and financial distress. Victims were left with two grim choices: pay the ransom and hope for a decryption key, or suffer the loss of valuable data.

The release of this free decryptor is a game-changer in the battle against cybercriminals. It allows victims to regain access to their data without succumbing to the demands of the attackers. This development underscores the importance of collaboration within the cybersecurity community. Researchers, analysts, and organizations came together to reverse-engineer the ransomware and develop a tool capable of undoing its malicious work.

Notably, this free decryptor is a testament to the relentless efforts of cybersecurity professionals who work tirelessly to protect individuals and businesses from the perils of the digital world. Their commitment to innovation and the pursuit of solutions to emerging threats is commendable.

While the release of a free decryptor is undoubtedly a significant step forward, it should also serve as a reminder of the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures. Prevention is often the best defense against ransomware attacks. Regularly updating software, implementing robust security protocols, and educating users about phishing and malware are crucial steps in reducing the risk of falling victim to such attacks.

Emerging Phishing Campaigns Aim FTX Users After Kroll Data Breach


In a recent turn of events that has reverberated across the cryptocurrency community, Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao, the Chief Executive Officer of Binance, a globally renowned cryptocurrency exchange, has issued a stern caution to users who were formerly associated with the now-defunct FTX platform. 

This alert revolves around a fresh surge of phishing attacks that have been set in motion following a significant data breach stemming from Kroll, the claims agent responsible for managing FTX’s bankruptcy case.

The Core of the Issue: Kroll Data Breach and Its Ramifications

The crux of this matter revolves around a recent breach in cybersecurity suffered by Kroll, the entity tasked with overseeing claims linked to the ongoing bankruptcy proceedings of FTX. While the specific details of the breach were initially kept confidential, it has now been unveiled that the breach exposed certain non-sensitive customer data belonging to specific claimants involved in the case.

Zhao’s warning emphasizes the seriousness of the situation, explicitly connecting the current series of phishing attacks to this data breach. The pronouncements from the CEO of Binance closely follow FTX’s own declaration concerning the breach, a revelation that has understandably triggered significant apprehension among its user community.

However, what renders this breach especially alarming is the technique through which it was executed. Zhao has illuminated the fact that a SIM swap maneuver executed on an employee's account was pivotal in enabling the breach. For those unfamiliar, a SIM swap involves malicious actors deceiving cellular service providers into transferring a victim’s phone number to a device under their control.

Subsequently, this maneuver allows them to intercept crucial information, including authentication codes, effectively circumventing security measures like two-factor authentication. The gravity of the threat was so pronounced that FTX was compelled to temporarily suspend operations on its claims portal.

The Escalating Peril of Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are not an emerging concept in the digital domain. Nevertheless, their persistent and evolving nature has solidified their status as one of the most malicious hazards that internet users encounter today. Fundamentally, these attacks capitalize on deception and psychological manipulation to deceive unsuspecting individuals into disclosing sensitive information, spanning from login credentials to personal financial particulars.

Zhao’s recent alert acts as a somber reminder of the possible havoc that phishing attacks can unleash. When successful, these attacks can lead to a spectrum of consequences, encompassing identity theft, unauthorized entry into sensitive accounts, and substantial financial losses. The fact that prominent platforms like FTX, BlockFi, and the now-defunct Genesis crypto exchange have become targets for cybercriminals underscores the sheer scale and audacity of these threats.

Bolstering Defenses Against the Digital Threatscape

In light of these unfolding events, the responsibility falls upon individual users to enhance their digital safeguards. Zhao's message is crystal clear: complacency is not an option. Users are urged to be proactive in their stance on online security, adopting a multifaceted approach to thwart potential threats.

Foremost, staying well-informed is of paramount significance. Being cognizant of the latest threats and comprehending the strategies of cybercriminals can play a pivotal role in precluding potential attacks. Equally important is vigilance. Users ought to exercise caution in response to unsolicited communications, particularly those soliciting personal or financial information.

Furthermore, embracing robust security measures is imperative. This encompasses, but is not limited to, utilizing strong and distinct passwords for various accounts, activating two-factor authentication whenever feasible, and regularly updating software and applications to rectify known vulnerabilities.

While the digital era presents unparalleled conveniences and avenues, it also introduces an array of challenges. The recent events encompassing the FTX platform and the Kroll data breach underline the ever-evolving nature of the threat landscape. Nonetheless, by merging awareness, vigilance, and resilient security practices, users can confidently navigate this landscape, securing their digital well-being.

Stay Informed: A Guide to 'Juice Jacking' Risks Before Your Next Airport Journey


While it might be amusing to imagine "juice jacking" as a playful term for enjoying complimentary beverages at your hotel's juice bar, the reality is far from lighthearted. 

The FBI has recently released a travel advisory alerting passengers to the threat of "juice jacking," a novel form of cybercrime emerging in both national and international airports. The concept revolves around the unauthorized access of travelers' data through USB ports commonly found at charging stations within airport premises.

Unsuspecting travelers seeking a quick battery recharge might innocently connect their smartphones or tablets to these charging points, only to fall victim to malware that has been surreptitiously implanted into these ports. 

This malicious software can either lock users out of their devices or stealthily extract personal information, including sensitive passwords. Essentially, this situation equates to handing over your device directly to a cybercriminal. 

The ramifications are substantial, enabling attackers to exploit online accounts, from bank information to social media profiles, photographs, and private messages, potentially even resorting to blackmail.

However, amid this ominous backdrop, it's important to acknowledge that practical solutions exist to mitigate these risks. While we don't propose avoiding airport charging ports altogether, it is crucial to exercise vigilance regarding the type of charger you employ. Adopting safe charging practices can help safeguard your devices and data.

Adopting Safe Charging Practices While on the Move:

Despite the fact that instances of actual "juice jacking" have yet to be officially reported, the potential threat remains a genuine concern for travelers. Fortunately, a few simple measures can serve a dual purpose: shielding your data and maintaining your device's charge. 

The most straightforward approach involves bypassing USB charging ports altogether and opting for conventional AC power outlets. The inherent design of these outlets prevents data transmission, rendering them a secure choice. Nonetheless, it's worth noting that the availability and functionality of these outlets at airports can be unpredictable.

In cases where AC power outlets are scarce or unreliable, a portable charger presents a viable alternative. These devices ensure a continuous power supply for essential gadgets, and they boast a significant advantage: they are impervious to data transfers, guaranteeing your security.

Moreover, charge-only cables are commercially available and can be utilized to further mitigate risks. Nevertheless, cautiousness remains vital even with such cables. If you encounter prompts requesting data sharing or device trust upon plugging into a USB port, the best course of action is to unplug immediately and seek an alternative port.

Responding to a Data Breach:

If a breach occur due to utilizing a compromised USB port, swift action is imperative. Disconnect your phone from the port without delay. And,0 if your device remains under your control, promptly proceed to change passwords for critical accounts, including email, banking, credit cards, and social media. Implementing two-factor authentication for these accounts, if not already in place, is advisable at this juncture.

Conduct a thorough review of your device and uninstall any applications not downloaded directly by you. If unauthorized charges appear on your financial accounts, promptly notify your bank or credit card provider to initiate charge disputes and freeze your accounts until the matter is resolved.

In scenarios where you suspect continued unauthorized access to your phone after disconnecting from the port, your last resort involves performing a complete factory reset. While not an ideal outcome, this step eradicates files and applications from your device, ensuring the safety of any unreached information.

In conclusion, while the prospect of "juice jacking" may sound whimsical, the associated risks are decidedly grave. 

By adopting cautious charging habits and implementing swift corrective measures in the event of a breach, travelers can minimize vulnerabilities and protect their data and devices from this evolving cyber threat.l

Microsoft Disrupts Bohrium Hackers’ Spear-Phishing Operation


The Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) recently conducted an operation and has successfully disrupted a spear-phishing operation which was conducted by the Iranian malicious actors. Tracked as Bohrium, the operation was victimizing customers in the U.S., Middle East, and India. 

Amy Hogan-Burney, the General Manager of Microsoft DCU has said that Bohrium targeted organizations from a wide range of industries, including transportation, Tech industries, government, and education. 

The evidence that was reported by Microsoft in court filings, read, “the Iranian hackers have been intentionally accessing and sending malicious software, code, and instructions to the protected computers, operating systems, and computers networks of Microsoft and the customers of Microsoft, without authorization." 

Following the attack, Microsoft has taken down 41 domains that were attacked in this campaign to establish a command and control infrastructure that allowed the hackers to execute malicious tools to help them gain access to targets' systems and exfiltrate stolen information from compromised systems. Also, some of the domains taken down have been used in the past to host and push malware payloads. 

However, Microsoft did not disclose the timeline of this spear-phishing operation. "Bohrium actors create fake social media profiles, often posing as recruiters. Once personal information was obtained from the victims, Bohrium sent malicious emails with links that ultimately infected their target's computers with malware..," 

“…This activity was uncovered by Microsoft's Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC), which tracks the world's nation-state and cybercrime actors so we can better protect our customers,” Hogan-Burney said. 

Microsoft further explained that this action which was taken by the origination is part of a long series of lawsuits against malicious actors who are targeting Microsoft customers worldwide. 

"To date, in 24 lawsuits – five against nation-state actors – we've taken down more than 10,000 malicious websites used by cybercriminals and nearly 600 sites used by nation-state actors," Microsoft's Corporate Vice President for Customer Security & Trust Tom Burt said.

Previously, Microsoft has taken down many malicious campaigns including APT28 domains controlled by the ZLoader cybercrime gang and the Iran-backed APT35 (aka Charming Kitten, Phosphorus, or Ajax Security Team) threat actor.