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Supreme Court Directive Mandates Self-Declaration Certificates for Advertisements


In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court of India recently directed every advertiser and advertising agency to submit a self-declaration certificate confirming that their advertisements do not make misleading claims and comply with all relevant regulatory guidelines before broadcasting or publishing. This directive stems from the case of Indian Medical Association vs Union of India. 

To enforce this directive, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has issued comprehensive guidelines outlining the procedure for obtaining these certificates, which became mandatory from June 18, 2024, onwards. This move is expected to significantly impact advertisers, especially those using deepfakes generated by Generative AI (GenAI) on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. The use of deepfakes in advertisements has been a growing concern. 

In a previous op-ed titled “Urgently needed: A law to protect consumers from deepfake ads,” the rising menace of deepfake ads making misleading or fraudulent claims was highlighted, emphasizing the adverse effects on consumer rights and public figures. A survey conducted by McAfee revealed that 75% of Indians encountered deepfake content, with 38% falling victim to deepfake scams, and 18% directly affected by such fraudulent schemes. Alarmingly, 57% of those targeted mistook celebrity deepfakes for genuine content. The new guidelines aim to address these issues by requiring advertisers to provide bona fide details and final versions of advertisements to support their declarations. This measure is expected to aid in identifying and locating advertisers, thus facilitating tracking once complaints are filed. 

Additionally, it empowers courts to impose substantial fines on offenders. Despite the potential benefits, industry bodies such as the Indian Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), Indian Newspaper Association (INS), and the Indian Society of Advertisers (ISA) have expressed concerns over the additional compliance burden, particularly for smaller advertisers. These bodies argue that while self-certification has merit, the process needs to be streamlined to avoid hampering legitimate advertising activities. The challenge of regulating AI-enabled deepfake ads is further complicated by the sheer volume of digital advertisements, making it difficult for regulators to review each one. 

Therefore, it is suggested that online platforms be obligated to filter out deepfake ads, leveraging their technology and resources for efficient detection. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology highlighted the negligence of social media intermediaries in fulfilling their due diligence obligations under the IT Rules in a March 2024 advisory. 

Although non-binding, the advisory stipulates that intermediaries must not allow unlawful content on their platforms. The Supreme Court is set to hear the matter again on July 9, 2024, when industry bodies are expected to present their views on the new guidelines. This intervention could address the shortcomings of current regulatory approaches and set a precedent for robust measures against deceptive advertising practices. 

As the country grapples with the growing threat of dark patterns in online ads, the apex court’s involvement is crucial in ensuring consumer protection and the integrity of advertising practices in India.

Adapting Cybersecurity Policies to Combat AI-Driven Threats


Over the last few years, the landscape of cyber threats has significantly evolved. The once-common traditional phishing emails, marked by obvious language errors, clear malicious intent, and unbelievable narratives, have seen a decline. Modern email security systems can easily detect these rudimentary attacks, and recipients have grown savvy enough to recognize and ignore them. Consequently, this basic form of phishing is quickly becoming obsolete. 

However, as traditional phishing diminishes, a more sophisticated and troubling threat has emerged. Cybercriminals are now leveraging advanced generative AI (GenAI) tools to execute complex social engineering attacks. These include spear-phishing, VIP impersonation, and business email compromise (BEC). In light of these developments, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) must adapt their cybersecurity strategies and implement new, robust policies to address these advanced threats. One critical measure is implementing segregation of duties (SoD) in handling sensitive data and assets. 

For example, any changes to bank account information for invoices or payroll should require approval from multiple individuals. This multi-step verification process ensures that even if one employee falls victim to a social engineering attack, others can intercept and prevent fraudulent actions. Regular and comprehensive security training is also crucial. Employees, especially those handling sensitive information and executives who are prime targets for BEC, should undergo continuous security education. 

This training should include live sessions, security awareness videos, and phishing simulations based on real-world scenarios. By investing in such training, employees can become the first line of defense against sophisticated cyber threats. Additionally, gamifying the training process—such as rewarding employees for reporting phishing attempts—can boost engagement and effectiveness. Encouraging a culture of reporting suspicious emails is another essential policy. 

Employees should be urged to report all potentially malicious emails rather than simply deleting or ignoring them. This practice allows the Security Operations Center (SOC) team to stay informed about ongoing threats and enhances organizational security awareness. Clear policies should emphasize that it's better to report false positives than to overlook potential threats, fostering a vigilant and cautious organizational culture. To mitigate social engineering risks, organizations should restrict access to sensitive information on a need-to-know basis. 

Simple policy changes, like keeping company names private in public job listings, can significantly reduce the risk of social engineering attacks. Limiting the availability of organizational details helps prevent cybercriminals from gathering the information needed to craft convincing attacks. Given the rapid advancements in generative AI, it's imperative for organizations to adopt adaptive security systems. Shifting from static to dynamic security measures, supported by AI-enabled defensive tools, ensures that security capabilities remain effective against evolving threats. 

This proactive approach helps organizations stay ahead of the latest attack vectors. The rise of generative AI has fundamentally changed the field of cybersecurity. In a short time, these technologies have reshaped the threat landscape, making it essential for CISOs to continuously update their strategies. Effective, current policies are vital for maintaining a strong security posture. 

This serves as a starting point for CISOs to refine and enhance their cybersecurity policies, ensuring they are prepared for the challenges posed by AI-driven threats. In this ever-changing environment, staying ahead of cybercriminals requires constant vigilance and adaptation.

Africa's Cyber Threats Rise With AI Development


In 2023, a majority of African economies witnessed a decline in overall cyber threats, signaling a positive trend. However, notable exceptions were observed, with Kenya experiencing a substantial 68% increase in ransomware attacks, while South Africa encountered a notable 29% surge in phishing incidents targeting sensitive data. 

This evolving landscape underscores a significant paradigm shift. Cyber adversaries are increasingly setting their sights on critical infrastructure across Africa, accompanied by a discernible inclination towards integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into their modus operandi. Insights derived from Kaspersky's telemetry data reveal a growing reliance on AI, particularly large language models (LLMs), to orchestrate more sophisticated social engineering tactics. 

Following Are the Reasons Behind the Cyber-Threats

AI's Growing Influence: 

Kaspersky's Yamout highlights the surge in attacks in Africa, fueled by AI technologies like LLMs, making cybercrime more accessible. These advancements have led to the creation of convincing phishing emails, synthetic identities, and deepfakes, exacerbating existing AI inequalities. 

Hacking Critical Infrastructure: 

Kaspersky notes a significant attack on operational technology, with 38% of OT computers facing threats in 2023. Cybercriminals and nation-state groups, alongside rising tensions, contribute to this threat landscape, including the emergence of hacktivism driven by socio-cultural and economic motives. 

Mobile Internet, Mobile Threats: With mobile devices being the primary means of internet access in Africa, Dark Reading observes a 10% rise in mobile threats in 2023, including ransomware and SMS phishing attacks. The shift to remote work globally further amplifies mobile threats, presenting challenges in safeguarding personal and corporate data. 

Furthermore, according to Interpol's African Cyberthreat Assessment 2023 report, Africa has historically been a hotspot for social engineering threats, particularly noting the prevalence of BEC (business email compromise) actors like the SilverTerrier group. This underscores the persistent challenges posed by cybercriminals operating within the region. 

Kaspersky's report echoes these concerns, noting a growing trend of citizens in Africa and the META region being targeted by cybercriminals. This alarming development emphasizes the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures to safeguard individuals and businesses against evolving threats. 

Further, analysis from a 2023 Positive Technologies report reveals that BEC attacks remain the primary cyber threat to organizations and individuals in the region. The financial, telecom, government, and retail sectors are particularly vulnerable, collectively accounting for over half of all reported attacks. 

The Positive Technologies report also highlights key findings regarding the nature of cyber attacks in Africa. Notably, 80% of attacks on African organizations involve malware, indicating the widespread use of malicious software to compromise systems and networks. 

Additionally, a staggering 91% of attacks targeting African citizens incorporate a social engineering component, illustrating the effectiveness of deceptive tactics in exploiting unsuspecting individuals. 

What can be done to measure the surge of cyber-attacks? 

Various studies advocate for patching software, managing credentials, and securing endpoints to combat ransomware groups exploiting vulnerabilities. Unpatched software, vulnerable web services, and weak remote access services are cited as common entry points for attackers in Africa.

Security Trends to Monitor in 2024


As the new year unfolds, the business landscape finds itself on the brink of a dynamic era, rich with possibilities, challenges, and transformative trends. In the realm of enterprise security, 2024 is poised to usher in a series of significant shifts, demanding careful attention from organizations worldwide.

Automation Takes Center Stage: In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies has become increasingly evident, setting the stage for a surge in automation within the cybersecurity domain. As the threat landscape evolves, the use of AI and ML algorithms for automated threat detection is gaining prominence. This involves the analysis of vast datasets to identify anomalies and predict potential cyber attacks before they materialize.

Endpoint protection is experiencing heightened sophistication, with AI playing a pivotal role in proactively identifying and responding to real-time threats. Notably, Apple's introduction of declarative device management underscores the industry's shift towards automation, where AI integration enables endpoints to autonomously troubleshoot and resolve issues. This marks a significant step forward in reducing equipment downtime and achieving substantial cost savings.

Navigating the Dark Side of Generative AI: In 2024, the risks associated with the rapid adoption of generative AI technologies are coming to the forefront. The use of AI coding bots for code generation gained substantial traction in 2023, reaching a point where companies, including tech giant Samsung, had to impose bans on certain models like ChatGPT due to their role in writing code within office environments.

Despite the prevalence of large language models (LLMs) for code generation, concerns are rising about the integrity of the generated code. Companies, in their pursuit of agility, may deploy AI-generated code without thorough scrutiny for potential security flaws, posing a tangible risk of data breaches with severe consequences. Additionally, the year 2024 is anticipated to witness a surge in AI-driven cyber attacks, with attackers leveraging the technology to craft hyper-realistic phishing scams and automate social engineering endeavours.

Passwordless Authentication- Paradigm Shift: The persistent discourse around moving beyond traditional passwords is expected to materialize in a significant way in 2024. Biometric authentication, including fingerprint and face unlock technologies, is gaining familiarity as a promising candidate for a more secure and user-friendly authentication system.

The integration of passkeys, combining biometrics with other factors, offers several advantages, eliminating the need for users to remember passwords. This approach provides a secure and versatile user verification method across various devices and accounts. Major tech players like Google and Apple are actively introducing their own passkey solutions, signalling a collective industry push toward a password-less future. The developments in biometric authentication and the adoption of passkeys suggest that 2024 could be a pivotal year, marking a widespread shift towards more secure and user-friendly authentication methods.

Overall, the landscape of enterprise security beckons with immense potential, fueled by advancements in automation, the challenges of generative AI, and the imminent shift towards passwordless authentication. Businesses are urged to stay vigilant, adapt to these transformative trends, and navigate the evolving cybersecurity landscape for a secure and resilient future.