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Google Messages' Gemini Update: What You Need To Know


Google's latest update to its Messages app, dubbed Gemini, has ignited discussions surrounding user privacy. Gemini introduces AI chatbots into the messaging ecosystem, but it also brings forth a critical warning regarding data security. Unlike conventional end-to-end encrypted messaging services, conversations within Gemini lack this crucial layer of protection, leaving them potentially vulnerable to access by Google and potential exposure of sensitive information.

This privacy gap has raised eyebrows among users, with some expressing concern over the implications of sharing personal data within Gemini chats. Others argue that this aligns with Google's data-driven business model, which leverages user data to enhance its AI models and services. However, the absence of end-to-end encryption means that users may inadvertently expose confidential information to third parties.

Google has been forthcoming about the security implications of Gemini, explicitly stating that chats within the feature are not end-to-end encrypted. Additionally, Google collects various data points from these conversations, including usage information, location data, and user feedback, to improve its products and services. Despite assurances of privacy protection measures, users are cautioned against sharing sensitive information through Gemini chats.

The crux of the issue lies in the disparity between users' perceptions of AI chatbots as private entities and the reality of these conversations being accessible to Google and potentially reviewed by human moderators for training purposes. Despite Google's reassurances, users are urged to exercise caution and refrain from sharing sensitive information through Gemini chats.

While Gemini's current availability is limited to adult beta testers, Google has hinted at its broader rollout in the near future, extending its reach beyond English-speaking users to include French-speaking individuals in Canada as well. This expansion signifies a pivotal moment in messaging technology, promising enhanced communication experiences for a wider audience. However, as users eagerly anticipate the platform's expansion, it becomes increasingly crucial for them to proactively manage their privacy settings. By taking the time to review and adjust their preferences, users can ensure a more secure messaging environment tailored to their individual needs and concerns. This proactive approach empowers users to navigate digital communication with confidence and peace of mind.

All in all, the introduction of Gemini in Google Messages underscores the importance of user privacy in the digital age. While technological advancements offer convenience, they also necessitate heightened awareness to safeguard personal information from potential breaches.'s AI Chatbots Soar: Celebrities, Therapists, and Entertainment, All in One Platform, a widely recognized platform, allows users to construct chatbots resembling a diverse array of personalities, including the likes of Vladimir Putin, Beyoncé, Super Mario, Harry Potter, and Elon Musk. These chatbots, powered by the same AI technology as ChatGPT, have garnered immense popularity, with millions engaging in conversations with these AI personalities. Described as "someone who assists with life difficulties," the bot has gained popularity for its role in aiding individuals facing various challenges. 

On the other hand, the Psychologist bot stands out for its remarkable demand, surpassing that of its counterparts. This bot, designed to provide psychological insights and support, has captured the attention and interest of users, making it a notable choice within the realm of AI-driven conversation. In a little over a year since its inception, the bot has amassed a whopping 78 million messages, with 18 million exchanged just since November. 

The mind behind the account goes by the username Blazeman98. According to, the website sees a daily influx of 3.5 million visitors. However, the platform did not provide details on the number of unique users engaging with the bot. The company from the San Francisco Bay area downplayed its popularity, suggesting that users primarily enjoy role-playing for entertainment. 

Among the most favoured bots are those embodying anime or computer game characters, with Raiden Shogun leading the pack with a whopping 282 million messages. Despite the diverse array of characters, few can match the popularity of the Psychologist bot. Notably, there are a total of 475 bots with names containing "therapy," "therapist," "psychiatrist," or "psychologist," capable of engaging in conversations in multiple languages. 

Among the available bots are those designed for entertainment or fantasy therapy, such as Hot Therapist. However, the ones gaining the most popularity are those focused on mental health support. For instance, the Therapist bot has garnered 12 million messages, while Are you feeling OK? has received a substantial 16.5 million messages. 

The person behind Blazeman98 is Sam Zaia, a 30-year-old from New Zealand. He did not plan for the bot to become popular or be used by others. According to Sam, he started receiving messages from people saying they found comfort in it and that it positively affected them. As a psychology student, Sam used his knowledge to train the bot. He talked to it and shaped its responses based on principles from his degree, focusing on common mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Securing Generative AI: Navigating Risks and Strategies

The introduction of generative AI has caused a paradigm change in the rapidly developing field of artificial intelligence, posing both unprecedented benefits and problems for companies. The need to strengthen security measures is becoming more and more apparent as these potent technologies are utilized in a variety of areas.
  • Understanding the Landscape: Generative AI, capable of creating human-like content, has found applications in diverse fields, from content creation to data analysis. As organizations harness the potential of this technology, the need for robust security measures becomes paramount.
  • Samsung's Proactive Measures: A noteworthy event in 2023 was Samsung's ban on the use of generative AI, including ChatGPT, by its staff after a security breach. This incident underscored the importance of proactive security measures in mitigating potential risks associated with generative AI. As highlighted in the Forbes article, organizations need to adopt a multi-faceted approach to protect sensitive information and intellectual property.
  • Strategies for Countering Generative AI Security Challenges: Experts emphasize the need for a proactive and dynamic security posture. One crucial strategy is the implementation of comprehensive access controls and encryption protocols. By restricting access to generative AI systems and encrypting sensitive data, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized use and potential leaks.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Auditing: To stay ahead of evolving threats, continuous monitoring and auditing of generative AI systems are essential. Organizations should regularly assess and update security protocols to address emerging vulnerabilities. This approach ensures that security measures remain effective in the face of rapidly evolving cyber threats.
  • Employee Awareness and Training: Express Computer emphasizes the role of employee awareness and training in mitigating generative AI security risks. As generative AI becomes more integrated into daily workflows, educating employees about potential risks, responsible usage, and recognizing potential security threats becomes imperative.
Organizations need to be extra careful about protecting their digital assets in the age of generative AI. Businesses may exploit the revolutionary power of generative AI while avoiding associated risks by adopting proactive security procedures and learning from instances such as Samsung's ban. Navigating the changing terrain of generative AI will require keeping up with technological advancements and adjusting security measures.

Bing Chat Rebrands to ‘Copilot’: What is New?

Bing Chat has been renamed as ‘Copilot,’ according to an announcement made during Microsoft Ignite 2023.

But, is the name change the only new thing the users will be introduced with? The answer could be a little ambiguous. 

What is New with Bing Chat (now Copilot)? Honestly, there are no significant changes in Copilot, previously called Bing Chat. “Refinement” might be a more appropriate term to characterize Microsoft's perplexing activities. Let's examine three modifications that Microsoft made to its AI chatbot.

Here, we are listing some of these refinements:

1. A New Home

Copilot, then Bing Chat, now has its own standalone webpage. One can access this webpage at

This means that the user will no longer be required to visit Bing in order to access Microsoft’s AI chat experience. One can simply visit the aforementioned webpage, without Bing Search and other services interfering with your experience. Put differently, it has become much more "ChatGPT-like" now. 

Notably, however, the link seems to only function with desktop versions of Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. 

2. A Minor Makeover

While Microsoft has made certain visual changes in the rebranded Bing Chat, they are however insignificant. 

This new version has smaller tiles but still has the same prompts: Write, Create, Laugh, Code, Organize, Compare, and Travel.

However, the users can still choose the conversation style, be it Creative, Balanced and Precise. The only big change, as mentioned before, is the new name (Copilot) and the tagline: "Your everyday AI companion." 

Though the theme colour switched from light blue to an off-white, the user interface is largely the same.

Users can access DALLE-3 and GPT-4 for free with Bing Chat, which is now called Copilot. But in order to utilize Copilot on platforms like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other widely used productivity tools, users will have to pay a membership fee for what Microsoft refers to as "Copilot for Microsoft 365."

3. Better Security for Enterprise Users

With Copilot, users can access DALLE-3 and GPT-4 for free. But in order to utilize Copilot on platforms like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other widely used productivity tools, users will have to pay a membership fee for what Microsoft refers to as "Copilot for Microsoft 365."

This way, users who have had a Bing Chat Enterprise account, or pay for a Microsoft 365 license, will get an additional benefit of more data protection./ Copilot will be officially launched on December 1. 

What Stayed the Same? 

Microsoft plans to gradually add commercial data protection for those who do not pay. However, Copilot currently stores information from your interactions and follows the same data policy as the previous version of Bing Chat for free users. Therefore, the name and domain change is the only difference for casual, non-subscribing Bing Chat users. OpenAI's GPT-4 and DALL-E 3 models are still available, but users need to be careful about sharing too much personal data with the chatbot.

In summary, there is not much to be excited about for free users: Copilot is the new name for Bing Chat, and it has a new home.  

Inside the Realm of Black Market AI Chatbots

With AI tools helping organizations and online users in a tremendously proficient way, there are obvious dark-sides of this trending technology. One of them being the notorious versions of AI bots.

A user may as well gain access to one such ‘evil’ version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. While these AI versions may not necessarily by legal in some parts of the world, it could be pricey. 

Gaining Access to Black Market AI Chatbots

Gaining access to the evil chatbot versions could be tricky. To do so, a user must find the right web forum with the right users. To be sure, these users might have posted the marketed a private and powerful large language model (LLM). One can get in touch with these users in encrypted messaging services like Telegram, where they might ask for a few hundred crypto dollars for an LLM. 

After gaining the access, users can now do anything, especially the ones that are prohibited in ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, like having conversation with the AI on how to make pipe bombs or cook meth, engaging in discussions about any illegal or morally questionable subject under the sun, or even using it to finance phishing schemes and other cybercrimes.

“We’ve got folks who are building LLMs that are designed to write more convincing phishing email scams or allowing them to code new types of malware because they’re trained off of the code from previously available malware[…]Both of these things make the attacks more potent, because they’re trained off of the knowledge of the attacks that came before them,” says Dominic Sellitto, a cybersecurity and digital privacy researcher at the University of Buffalo.

These models are becoming more prevalent, strong, and challenging to regulate. They also herald the opening of a new front in the war on cybercrime, one that cuts far beyond text generators like ChatGPT and into the domains of audio, video, and graphics. 

“We’re blurring the boundaries in many ways between what is artificially generated and what isn’t[…]“The same goes for the written text, and the same goes for images and everything in between,” explained Sellitto.

Phishing for Trouble

Phishing emails, which demand that a user provide their financial information immediately to the Social Security Administration or their bank in order to resolve a fictitious crisis, cost American consumers close to $8.8 billion annually. The emails may contain seemingly innocuous links that actually download malware or viruses, allowing hackers to take advantage of any sensitive data directly from the victim's computer.

Fortunately, these phishing mails are quite easy to detect. In case they have not yet found their way to a user’s spam folder, one can easily identify them on the basis of their language, which may be informal and grammatically incorrect wordings that any legit financial firm would never use. 

However, with ChatGPT, it is becoming difficult to spot any error in the phishing mails, bringing about a veritable AI generative boom. 

“The technology hasn’t always been available on digital black markets[…]It primarily started when ChatGPT became mainstream. There were some basic text generation tools that might have used machine learning but nothing impressive,” Daniel Kelley, a former black hat computer hacker and cybersecurity consultant explains.

According to Kelley, these LLMs come in a variety of forms, including BlackHatGPT, WolfGPT, and EvilGPT. He claimed that many of these models, despite their nefarious names, are actually just instances of AI jailbreaks, a word used to describe the deft manipulation of already-existing LLMs such as ChatGPT to achieve desired results. Subsequently, these models are encapsulated within a customized user interface, creating the impression that ChatGPT is an entirely distinct chatbot.

However, this does not make AI models any less harmful. In fact, Kelley believes that one particular model is both one of the most evil and genuine ones: According to one description of WormGPT on a forum promoting the model, it is an LLM made especially for cybercrime that "lets you do all sorts of illegal stuff and easily sell it online in the future."

Both Kelley and Sellitto agrees that WormGPT could be used in business email compromise (BEC) attacks, a kind of phishing technique in which employees' information is stolen by pretending to be a higher-up or another authority figure. The language that the algorithm generates is incredibly clear, with precise grammar and sentence structure making it considerably more difficult to spot at first glance.

One must also take this into account that with easier access to the internet, really anyone can download these notorious AI models, making it easier to be disseminated. It is similar to a service that offers same-day mailing for buying firearms and ski masks, only that these firearms and ski masks are targeted at and built for criminals.

Gen Z's Take on AI: Ethics, Security, and Career

Generation Z is leading innovation and transformation in the fast-changing technological landscape. Gen Z is positioned to have an unparalleled impact on how work will be done in the future thanks to their distinct viewpoints on issues like artificial intelligence (AI), data security, and career disruption. 

Gen Z is acutely aware of the ethical implications of AI. According to a recent survey, a significant majority expressed concerns about the ethical use of AI in the workplace. They believe that transparency and accountability are paramount in ensuring that AI systems are used responsibly. This generation calls for a balance between innovation and safeguarding individual rights.

AI in Career Disruption: Navigating Change

For Gen Z, the rapid integration of AI in various industries raises questions about job stability and long-term career prospects. While some view AI as a threat to job security, others see it as an opportunity for upskilling and specialization. Many are embracing a growth mindset, recognizing that adaptability and continuous learning are key to thriving in the age of AI.

Gen Z and the AI Startup Ecosystem

A noteworthy trend is the surge of Gen Z entrepreneurs venturing into the AI startup space. Their fresh perspectives and digital-native upbringing give them a unique edge in understanding the needs of the tech-savvy consumer. These startups drive innovation, push boundaries, and redefine industries, from healthcare to e-commerce.

Economic Environment and Gen Z's Resilience

Amidst economic challenges, Gen Z has demonstrated remarkable resilience. A recent study by Bank of America highlights that 73% of Gen Z individuals feel that the current economic climate has made it more challenging for them. However, this generation is not deterred; they are leveraging technology and entrepreneurial spirit to forge their own paths.

The McKinsey report underscores that Gen Z's relationship with technology is utilitarian and deeply integrated into their daily lives. They are accustomed to personalized experiences and expect the same from their work environments. This necessitates a shift in how companies approach talent acquisition, development, and retention.

Gen Z is a generation that is ready for transformation, as seen by their interest in AI, data security, and job disruption. Their viewpoints provide insightful information about how businesses and industries might change to meet the changing needs of the digital age. Gen Z will likely have a lasting impact on technology and AI as it continues to carve its path in the workplace.

AI Chatbots' Growing Concern in Bioweapon Strategy

Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming more advanced and have rapidly expanding capabilities. This has sparked worries that they might be used for bad things like plotting bioweapon attacks.

According to a recent RAND Corporation paper, AI chatbots could offer direction to help organize and carry out a biological assault. The paper examined a number of large language models (LLMs), a class of AI chatbots, and discovered that they were able to produce data about prospective biological agents, delivery strategies, and targets.

The LLMs could also offer guidance on how to minimize detection and enhance the impact of an attack. To distribute a biological pathogen, for instance, one LLM recommended utilizing aerosol devices, as this would be the most efficient method.

The authors of the paper issued a warning that the use of AI chatbots could facilitate the planning and execution of bioweapon attacks by individuals or groups. They also mentioned that the LLMs they examined were still in the early stages of development and that their capabilities would probably advance with time.

Another recent story from the technology news website TechRound cautioned that AI chatbots may be used to make 'designer bioweapons.' According to the study, AI chatbots might be used to identify and alter current biological agents or to conceive whole new ones.

The research also mentioned how tailored bioweapons that are directed at particular people or groups may be created using AI chatbots. This is so that AI chatbots can learn about different people's weaknesses by being educated on vast volumes of data, including genetic data.

The potential for AI chatbots to be used for bioweapon planning is a serious concern. It is important to develop safeguards to prevent this from happening. One way to do this is to develop ethical guidelines for the development and use of AI chatbots. Another way to do this is to develop technical safeguards that can detect and prevent AI chatbots from being used for malicious purposes.

Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence are a potent technology that could be very beneficial. The possibility that AI chatbots could be employed maliciously should be taken into consideration, though. To stop AI chatbots from organizing and carrying out bioweapon strikes, we must create protections.

Guidelines on What Not to Share with ChatGPT: A Formal Overview


A simple device like ChatGPT has unbelievable power, and it has revolutionized our experience of interacting with computers in such a profound way. There are, however, some limitations that it is important to understand and bear in mind when using this tool. 

Using ChatGPT, OpenAI has seen a massive increase in revenue resulting from a massive increase in content. There were 10 million dollars of revenue generated by the company every year. It, however, grew from 1 million dollars in to 200 million dollars in the year 2023. In the coming years, the revenue is expected to increase to over one billion dollars by the end of 2024, which is even higher than what it is now. 

A wide array of algorithms is included in the ChatGPT application that is so powerful that it is capable of generating any text the users want, from a simple math sum to a complex rocket theory question. It can do them all and more! It is crucial to acknowledge the advantages that artificial intelligence can offer and to acknowledge their shortcomings as the prevalence of chatbots powered by artificial intelligence continues to rise.  

To be successful with AI chatbots, it is essential to understand that there are certain inherent risks associated with their use, such as the potential for cyber attacks and privacy issues.  A major change in Google's privacy policy recently made it clear that the company is considering providing its AI tools with the data that it has collected from web posts to train those models and tools.  

It is equally troubling that ChatGPT retains chat logs to improve the model and to improve the uptime of the service. Despite this, there is still a way to address this concern, and it involves not sharing certain information with chatbots that are based on artificial intelligence. Jeffrey Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, an organization dedicated to digital rights advocacy stated these tools should be viewed by consumers with suspicion at least, since as with so many other popular technologies – they are all heavily influenced by the marketing and advertising industries.  

The Limits Of ChatGPT 

As the system was not enabled for browsing (which is a requirement for ChatGPT Plus), it generated responses based on the patterns and information it learned throughout its training, which included a range of internet texts while it was training until September 2021 when the training cut-off will be reached.  

Despite that, it is incapable of understanding the context in the same way as people do and does not know anything in the sense of "knowing" anything. ChatGPT is famous for its impressive and relevant responses a great deal of the time, but it is not infallible. The answers that it produces can be incorrect or unintelligible for several reasons. 

Its proficiency largely depends on the quality and clarity of the prompt given. 

1. Banking Credentials 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published a report on June 6 about the limitations of chatbot technology as the complexity of questions increases. According to the report, implementing chatbot technology could result in financial institutions violating federal consumer protection laws, which is why the potential for violations of federal consumer protection laws is high. 

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the number of consumer complaints has increased due to a variety of issues that include resolving disputes, obtaining accurate information, receiving good customer service, seeking assistance from human representatives, and maintaining personal information security. In light of this fact, the CFPB advises financial institutions to refrain from solely using chatbots as part of their overall business model.  

2. Personal Identifiable Information (PII). 

Whenever users share sensitive personal information that can be used to identify users personally, they need to be careful to protect their privacy and minimise the risk that it will be misused. The user's full name, home address, social security number, credit card number, and any other information that can identify them as an individual is included in this category. The importance of protecting these sensitive details is paramount to ensuring their privacy and preventing potential harm from unauthorised use. 

3. Confidential information about the user's workplace

Users should exercise caution and refrain from sharing private company information when interacting with AI chatbots. It is crucial to understand the potential risks associated with divulging sensitive data to these virtual assistants. 

Major tech companies like Apple, Samsung, JPMorgan, and Google have even implemented stringent policies to prohibit the use of AI chatbots by their employees, recognizing the importance of protecting confidential information. 

A recent Bloomberg article shed light on an unfortunate incident involving a Samsung employee who inadvertently uploaded confidential code to a generative AI platform while utilizing ChatGPT for coding tasks. This breach resulted in the unauthorized disclosure of private information about Samsung, which subsequently led to the company imposing a complete ban on the use of AI chatbots. 

Such incidents highlight the need for heightened vigilance and adherence to security measures when leveraging AI chatbots. 

4. Passwords and security codes 

In the event that a chatbot asks you for passwords, PINs, security codes, or any other confidential access credentials, do not give them these things. It is prudent to prioritise your safety and refrain from sharing sensitive information with AI chatbots, even though these chatbots are designed with privacy in mind. 

For your accounts to remain secure and for your personal information to be protected from the potential of unauthorised access or misuse, it is paramount that you secure your passwords and access credentials.

In an age marked by the progress of AI chatbot technology, the utmost importance lies in the careful protection of personal and sensitive information. This report underscores the imperative necessity for engaging with AI-driven virtual assistants in a responsible and cautious manner, with the primary objective being the preservation of privacy and the integrity of data. It is advisable to remain well-informed and to exercise prudence when interacting with these potent technological tools.