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Privacy and Security Risks in Chinese Electric Vehicles: Unraveling the Data Dilemma

Privacy and Security Risks in Chinese Electric Vehicles: Unraveling the Data Dilemma

The rapid rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has transformed the automotive industry, promising cleaner energy and reduced emissions. But as we enjoy this automotive transformation, we must also grapple with the intricate web of data collection and privacy concerns woven into these high-tech machines. 

One particular area of interest is Chinese-made EVs, which dominate the global market. This blog post delves into the privacy and security risks associated with these vehicles, drawing insights from a recent investigation.

The Cyber Angle

In 2022, Tor Indstøy purchased a Chinese electric vehicle for $69,000 to accommodate his growing family.

Indstøy had an ulterior motivation for purchasing an ES8, a luxury SUV from Shanghai-based NIO Inc. The Norwegian cybersecurity specialist wanted to investigate the EV and see how much data it collects and transmits back to China.

He co-founded Project Lion Cage with several industry acquaintances to examine his SUV and release the findings.

Since its inception in July 2023, Indstøy and his crew have provided nearly a dozen status reports. These have largely consisted of them attempting to comprehend the enormously complex vehicle and the operation of its numerous components.

The $69,000 Chinese Electric Vehicle Under Scrutiny

In a fascinating experiment, Norwegian cybersecurity researcher Tor Indstøy purchased a $69,000 Chinese electric vehicle—an ES8 luxury SUV manufactured by Shanghai-based NIO Inc. His motive? To dissect the vehicle, uncover its data practices, and shed light on potential risks. 

The project, aptly named “Project Lion Cage,” aims to answer critical questions about data privacy and security in EVs.

The Complexity of EVs: A Data Goldmine

Electric cars are not mere transportation devices; they are rolling data centers. Unlike their gas-powered counterparts, EVs rely heavily on electronic components—up to 2,000 to 3,000 chips per vehicle. 

These chips control everything from battery management to infotainment systems. Each chip can collect and transmit data, creating a vast information flow network within the vehicle.

However, studying EVs is also a challenge. Traditional cybersecurity tools designed for PCs and servers need to improve when dealing with the intricate architecture of electric cars. Researchers like Indstøy face unique challenges as they navigate this uncharted territory.

Privacy Concerns: What Data Lies Beneath?

Indstøy and his team have identified potential areas of concern for the NIO ES8, but no major revelations have been made.

One example is how data gets into and out of the vehicle. According to the researchers, China received over 90% of the communications, which contained data ranging from simple voice commands to the car to the vehicle's geographical location. Other destinations included Germany, the United States, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and others.

Indstøy suggests that the ambiguity of some communications could be a source of concern. For example, the researchers discovered that the car was regularly downloading a single, unencrypted file from a internet address, but they have yet to determine its purpose.

The Geopolitical Angle

China’s dominance in the EV market raises geopolitical concerns. With nearly 60% of global EV sales happening in China, the data collected by these vehicles becomes a strategic asset. 

Governments worry about potential espionage, especially given the close ties between Chinese companies and the state. The Biden administration’s cautious approach to Chinese-made EVs reflects these concerns.

Data Broker Tracked Visitors to Jeffrey Epstein’s Island, New Report Reveals


The saga surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender with ties to numerous wealthy and influential figures, continues to unfold with alarming revelations surfacing about the extent of privacy intrusion. Among the latest reports is the shocking revelation that a data broker actively tracked visitors to Epstein’s private island, Little Saint James, leveraging their mobile data to monitor their movements. This discovery has ignited a firestorm of controversy and renewed concerns about privacy rights and the unchecked power of data brokers. 

For years, Epstein's island remained shrouded in secrecy, known only to a select few within his inner circle. However, recent investigations have shed light on the island's dark activities and the prominent individuals who frequented its shores. Now, the emergence of evidence suggesting that a data broker exploited mobile data to monitor visits to the island has cast a disturbing spotlight on the invasive tactics employed by third-party entities. 

The implications of this revelation are profound and far-reaching. It raises serious questions about the ethical boundaries of data collection and surveillance in the digital age. While the practice of tracking mobile data is not new, its use in monitoring individuals' visits to sensitive and controversial locations like Epstein’s island underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability in the data brokerage industry. 

At its core, the issue revolves around the fundamental right to privacy and the protection of personal data. In an era where our every move is tracked and recorded, often without our knowledge or consent, the need for robust data protection regulations has never been more pressing. Without adequate safeguards in place, individuals are vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation by unscrupulous actors seeking to profit from their private information. 

Moreover, the revelation highlights the broader societal implications of unchecked data surveillance. It serves as a stark reminder of the power wielded by data brokers and the potential consequences of their actions on individuals' lives. From wealthy elites to everyday citizens, no one is immune to the pervasive reach of data tracking and monitoring. 

In response to these revelations, there is a growing call for increased transparency and accountability in the data brokerage industry. Individuals must be empowered with greater control over their personal data, including the ability to opt-out of invasive tracking practices. Additionally, regulators must step up enforcement efforts to hold data brokers accountable for any violations of privacy rights. 

As the investigation into the tracking of visitors to Epstein’s island continues, it serves as a sobering reminder of the urgent need to address the growing threats posed by unchecked data surveillance. Only through concerted action and meaningful reforms can we safeguard individuals' privacy rights and ensure a more ethical and responsible approach to data collection and usage in the digital age.

Protecting Your Privacy: How to Safeguard Your Smart TV Data

In an era of interconnected devices, our smart TVs have become more than just entertainment hubs. They’re now powerful data collectors, silently observing our viewing habits, preferences, and even conversations. While the convenience of voice control and personalized recommendations is appealing, it comes at a cost: your privacy.

The Silent Watcher: Automatic Content Recognition (ACR)

Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) is the invisible eye that tracks everything you watch on your smart TV. Whether it’s a gripping drama, a cooking show, or a late-night talk show, your TV is quietly analyzing it all. ACR identifies content from over-the-air broadcasts, streaming services, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and internet sources. It’s like having a digital detective in your living room, noting every scene change and commercial break.

The Code of Commercials: Advertisement Identification (AdID)

Ever notice how ads seem eerily relevant to your interests? That’s because of Advertisement Identification (AdID). When you watch a TV commercial, it’s not just about the product being sold; it’s about the unique code embedded within it. AdID deciphers these codes, linking them to your viewing history. Suddenly, those shoe ads after binge-watching a fashion series make sense—they’re tailored to you.

The Profit in Your Privacy

Manufacturers and tech companies profit from your data. They analyze your habits, preferences, and even your emotional reactions to specific scenes. This information fuels targeted advertising, which generates revenue. While it’s not inherently evil, the lack of transparency can leave you feeling like a pawn in a digital chess game.

Taking Control: How to Limit Data Collection

Turn Off ACR: Visit your TV settings and disable ACR. By doing so, you prevent your TV from constantly analyzing what’s on your screen. Remember, convenience comes at a cost—weigh the benefits against your privacy.

AdID Management: Reset your AdID periodically. This wipes out ad-related data and restricts targeted ad tracking. Dig into your TV’s settings to find this option.

Voice Control vs. Privacy: Voice control is handy, but it also means your TV is always listening. If privacy matters more, disable voice services like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple Siri. Sacrifice voice commands for peace of mind.

Brand-Specific Steps

Different smart TV brands have varying privacy settings. Here’s a quick guide:

Amazon Fire TV: Navigate to Settings > Preferences > Privacy Settings. Disable “Interest-based Ads” and “Data Monitoring.”

Google TV: Head to Settings > Device Preferences > Reset Ad ID. Also, explore the “Privacy” section for additional controls.

Roku: Visit Settings > Privacy > Advertising. Opt out of personalized ads and reset your Ad ID.

LG, Samsung, Sony, and Vizio: These brands offer similar options. Look for settings related to ACR, AdID, and voice control.

Balancing Convenience and Privacy

Your smart TV isn’t just a screen; it’s a gateway to your personal data. Be informed, take control, and strike a balance. Enjoy your favorite shows, but remember that every episode you watch leaves a digital footprint. Protect your privacy—it’s the best show you’ll ever stream.

Google to put Disclaimer on How its Chrome Incognito Mode Does ‘Nothing’

The description of Chrome’s Incognito mode is set to be changed in order to state that Google monitors users of the browser. Users will be cautioned that websites can collect personal data about them.

This indicates that the only entities that are kept from knowing what a user is browsing on incognito would be their family/friends who use the same device. 

Chrome Incognito Mode is Almost Useless

At heart, Google might not only be a mere software developer. It is in fact a business that is motivated through advertising, which requires it to collect information about its users and their preferences in order to sell them targeted advertising. 

Unfortunately, users cannot escape this surveillance just by switching to incognito. In fact, Google is paying a sum of $5 billion to resolve a class-action lawsuit filed against them, accusing the company of betraying its customers regarding the privacy assurance they support. Google is now changing its description of Incognito mode, which will make it clear that it does not really protect the user’s privacy. 

Developers can get a preview of what this updated feature exactly is, by using Chrome Canary. According to MSPowerUser, the aforementioned version of Chrome displayed a disclaimer when the user went Incognito, stating:

"You’ve gone Incognito[…]Others who use this device won’t see your activity, so you can browse more privately. This won’t change how data is collected by websites you visit and the services they use, including Google."

(In the above statement, the text in bold is the new addition to the disclaimer.)

Tips for More Private Browsing 

Chrome remains one of the popular browsers, even Mac users can use Safari instead. Privacy is just one of the reasons Apple fans should use Safari instead of Chrome.) However, there are certain websites that users would prefer not to get added to their Google profile which has the rest of their private information. Thus, users are recommended to switch to Safari Private Browsing, since Apple does not use Safari to track its users (it claims to). 

Even better, use DuckDuckGo when you want to disconnect from the internet. This privacy-focused search engine and browser won't monitor or save the searches of its users; in fact, its entire purpose is to protect users' online privacy.  

Unused Apps Could Still be Tracking and Collecting User’s Data

While almost everyone in this era is glued to their smartphones for long hours, there still remain several mysteries about the device that are not actively being deduced by the users. So how does one begin to know their phones?

Most of the users are still unaware that even when the apps are not in use, the phone can still track and collect data without them being aware. Fortunately, there is a solution to prevent this from happening.

One may have ten, twenty or even thirty apps on their phones, and there is a possibility that many of these apps remain unused. 

In regards to this, the cybersecurity giant – Kaspersky – warned that apps on a user’s phone that are not being used could still be collecting data about the device owner even if they are not using it.

A recently published memo from the company urged users to delete their old apps, stating: "You probably have apps on your smartphone that you haven't used in over a year. Or maybe even ones you've never opened at all. Not only do they take up your device's memory, but they can also slowly consume internet traffic and battery power."

The security memo continued: "And, most importantly, they clog up your interface and may continue to collect data about your smartphone - and you."

While spring cleaning the phones might not be on the priority list of people, it does not take away its significance. In case a user is concerned about ‘over-sharing’ their data, Kaspersky has shared a ‘one-day rule’ to ease the task of removing unused apps on phones. 

According to the experts, following the practice of merely uninstalling one useless app each day will greatly increase phone performance and free up storage space. By doing this, users will be able to control how their data is used and prevent data harvesting.

To delete an app on the iPhone, users need to find the app on the home screen, touch and hold down the icon and tap “Remove app.” Android users, they need to go to the Google Play store, tap the profile icon in the top right, followed by Manage Apps and Devices > Manage. Tap the name of the app they want to delete and click to uninstall.

Users can still disable pre-installed apps on their phones to prevent them from operating in the background and taking up unnecessary space on the screen, even if they cannot be fully removed from the device.  

ChatGPT Joins Data Clean Rooms for Enhanced Analysis

ChatGPT has now entered data clean rooms, marking a big step toward improved data analysis. It is expected to alter the way corporations handle sensitive data. This integration, which provides fresh perspectives while following strict privacy guidelines, is a turning point in the data analytics industry.

Data clean rooms have long been hailed as secure environments for collaborating with data without compromising privacy. The recent collaboration between ChatGPT and AppsFlyer's Dynamic Query Engine takes this concept to a whole new level. As reported by Adweek and Business Wire, this integration allows businesses to harness ChatGPT's powerful language processing capabilities within these controlled environments.

ChatGPT's addition to data clean rooms introduces a multitude of benefits. The technology's natural language processing prowess enables users to interact with data in a conversational manner, making the analysis more intuitive and accessible. This is a game-changer, particularly for individuals without specialized technical skills, as they can now derive insights without grappling with complex interfaces.

One of the most significant advantages of this integration is the acceleration of data-driven decision-making. ChatGPT can understand queries posed in everyday language, instantly translating them into structured queries for data retrieval. This not only saves time but also empowers teams to make swift, informed choices backed by data-driven insights.

Privacy remains a paramount concern in the realm of data analytics, and this integration takes robust measures to ensure it. By confining ChatGPT's operations within data-clean rooms, sensitive information is kept secure and isolated from external threats. This mitigates the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access, aligning with increasingly stringent data protection regulations.

AppsFlyer's commitment to incorporating ChatGPT into its Dynamic Query Engine showcases a forward-looking approach to data analysis. By enabling marketers and analysts to engage with data effortlessly, AppsFlyer addresses a crucial challenge in the industry bridging the gap between raw data and actionable insights.

ChatGPT is one of many new technologies that are breaking down barriers as the digital world changes. Its incorporation into data clean rooms is evidence of how adaptable and versatile it is, broadening its possibilities beyond conventional conversational AI.

Realising the Potential of EMR Systems in Indian Healthcare


A hospital electronic medical record (EMR) serves as a tool for managing hospital orders, handling hospital workflows, and securing healthcare information from unauthorized access. It strives to improve the healthcare delivery process by reducing healthcare costs, optimizing profits, and improving patient outcomes. 

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are individual medical records stored electronically. Medical information is stored in a variety of ways in an EMR. The data set includes a wide range of medical information, including medical history, prescriptions, allergies to drugs, hospital bills, etc. 

A paper-based system is currently in use, which is insufficient and ineffective, requires a lot of maintenance, and is inefficient. In contrast, it has several advantages over EMR, such as its portability, collaboration, and ease of data recovery. 

Doctors can make more efficient healthcare decisions with an EMR because it facilitates their decision-making process. The use of EMRs also enables healthcare providers to collect, maintain, and easily retrieve patient medical records through hospital information systems (HIS), which are web-based applications. EMRs not only assist in managing healthcare data, but they also help in managing hospital orders, managing hospital workflows, and securing medical records. All the processes involved in the delivery of healthcare are optimized to reduce costs and maximize profits for the benefit of the patient. 

The electronic medical record (EMR) market in India is experiencing demand growth driven by several factors, increasing demand for EMRs. As chronic diseases are becoming more prevalent, it is becoming increasingly important to provide high-quality, cost-effective healthcare services to meet the increasing demand. 

Further, the Indian government is encouraging the adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) through initiatives such as the National Digital Health Mission, which is promoting digital initiatives in the healthcare sector. Fortis Healthcare's 2022 annual report indicates that the implementation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) has played a significant role in the company's digital transformation efforts and has contributed substantially to its growth in online revenue as a result of digital transformation efforts. 

As the report indicated, online revenue was up by 48% in the second quarter of 2022. This was a result of digital channels' increased adoption. With digital channels, the company may be able to offer more comprehensive healthcare services and increase revenue streams. This is done by automating patient records and providing real-time access to data.  

The National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB), which was proposed in 2019, intends to set up a system for building and managing the necessary infrastructure and data for the seamless exchange of health data, as well as promote the adoption of open standards and develop several digital health solutions encompassing wellness as well as disease prevention. Interesting to note is that in addition to using existing information systems within the health sector, the NDHB also seeks to unlock new ones from within.

Today, thanks to artificial intelligence and high-end data, healthcare experts and clinicians in India are becoming increasingly aware of the potential of these technologies. Despite this, radiology, billing, or registration will be the only areas where standardized electronic health records are being implemented.  

Doctors can benefit from EMR over traditional note-taking, with enhanced patient care, a reduction in paperwork, and easier access to patient information. Furthermore, it facilitates better coordination between healthcare providers across a wide variety of healthcare settings. Let's take a look at some of the factors that are driving the growth of the Indian economy. 

EMR Implementation in India is Primarily Driven by the Following Factors 

A key driver of electronic medical records adoption in India is a desire to reduce costs. By reducing paper, storage, personnel, and software expenses for medical records, EMR systems can save employers considerable amounts of money. 

EMRs offer many other benefits to the patient, including improved patient care as one of them. As a consequence, physicians can access vital medical information quickly about a patient, such as allergies, medications, and past health history. They are better able to make informed decisions when treating the patient. 

A healthcare provider can ensure the safety and confidentiality of patient data by implementing an EMR system. It is considered that EMRs are more secure than paper databases because they restrict access to only those licensed to view information. The result is that there is a reduced risk of sensitive patient information being accessed by unauthorized persons. 

Healthcare providers can take advantage of the benefits offered by EMRs by increasing their efficiency. The ease of access to digital patient information and the availability to make updates leads to improved patient care as well as fewer delays. 

The National Data Protection Act, which has been recently enacted in India, is one of the rules and regulations that regulate medical data. As long as healthcare providers can comply with the seven principles of the Data Protection Act, they can meet these regulations. They will also be able to ensure compliance with these regulations through EMR.

A top EMR software package will also enable patients to engage in their care in a more meaningful way. A patient's medical records can be accessed, their care and treatments can be reviewed, and they can take an active part in their care by accessing their records. 

As a result of all these factors, the use of Electronic Medical Records has mushroomed in India over the past decade. EMR systems will be adopted by a larger number of healthcare providers in the future. 

Only a few hospitals and clinics have successfully implemented electronic medical records (EMRs) in India, a country where technology is still in its infancy. As awareness about the benefits of EMR software grows in India, it is expected that more and more facilities will start using this system in their facilities as part of their standard of care. 

In the past few years, the Indian healthcare market has seen an increase in hospital admissions and patient visits as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As per a report by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, in 2022, the number of admissions to hospitals will reach 2.92 lacks, with 5,010 admissions for patients staying in hospitals inside. 

There has also been an increase in the need for electronic medical records (EMRs) in the country due to this increase in the demand for healthcare services in the country. No doubt keeping accurate and up-to-date medical records has become even more imperative with more and more patients seeking medical care. A health records management system is a system designed to keep track of the health records of their patients, enabling them to make informed decisions and deliver better healthcare to their patients. 

There is a revolutionary digital framework proposed by the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog), which aims to create digital health records for all Indian citizens by the year 2022 following the introduction of the "National Health Stack". As part of the National Health Stack initiative, the purpose of creating a unified system is to collect, manage, and share EMRs among actors and stakeholders in the Indian healthcare sector. 

Efforts like these are expected to increase the amount of EMR users in India and accelerate the market's growth in the coming years. Using this technology will ensure the promotion and enhancement of innovation in healthcare, as well as enhance patient access and outcomes. A significant step that China is taking towards improving the health care services provided in the country is the launch of the National Health Stack. 

To improve the delivery of healthcare in all areas of the country, the Indian government has actively promoted the adoption of digital health technologies, including electronic medical record (EMR) systems. A national health and safety network, also known as the NHS, was launched in 2018 as part of a government initiative to build an ecosystem of digital health services. This was to support healthcare delivery. 

A core building block of an NHS program is the development of a unique health ID as well as health registries that will form the foundation of it. A common digital healthcare infrastructure can be created across the country, using these block-level building blocks. Also, the government has launched a scheme called Ayushman Bharat, which aims to provide free medical assistance to all vulnerable populations up to a certain level as a measure of protecting them.

Data Collection: What are Some ‘Unlikable’ Traits in This Growing Trend?

One of the consequences of the pandemic in the many B2B2C manufacturers was the changes in interactions with their clients. Numerous manufacturing brands in consumer packaged goods (CPG), fashion, equipment, etc. understood the advantages of implementing a direct-to-consumer approach even when the retail shops that would ordinarily distribute their products were shut down.

Due to their business model, which involved selling their goods via resellers, these businesses have typically had little contact with the final consumer. However, several manufacturers smartly constructed digital experiences to interact with, sell to, and gather data from their customers directly as a result of resellers being closed or operating at reduced capacity.

Data that was previously gathered and owned by resellers or intermediaries was suddenly made directly available to manufacturers for them to profit from and learn from. This opened up new revenue streams by charging other organizations for their data, using it to cross- or upsell products, or making the customer experience less complicated.

With all likable traits of data collection, there however exists certain risks that comes with it. These risks not only include data hack, malware or data theft but also exploitation of the collected data that may lead to a brand wreckage or even legal challenges to an organization.

In order to minimize the damaging consequence, organizations are advised to develop a proactive ethical framework rather than any reactive measure, in order to govern the use of technology and data. These principles create a foundation of security and respect for clients, reducing consumer harm.

Moreover, with the evolution of cyber threats, the previously admired strategies are now outdated. There is no longer a secure border or barrier. Through the use of security-in-depth techniques like encrypted communications, segregated areas, granular authentication and authorization, and sophisticated intrusion detection systems, system design should enable risk management and security enforcement across the whole architecture.

Lastly, the manufacturers are also urged to reconsider their views on data in order to effectively address privacy. Particularly, they ought to give top priority to well-considered governance systems that allow for informed choice-making with regard to data collection, access, and utilization. Manufacturers could guarantee that data is treated properly and ethically by designating data owners. For enterprises, having a solid governance framework is important for safeguarding user data and privacy.

Controversial Cybersecurity Practices of ICE

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have come under scrutiny for its questionable tactics in data collection that may have violated the privacy of individuals and organizations. Recently, ICE's use of custom summons to gather data from schools, clinics, and social media platforms has raised serious cybersecurity concerns.

According to a Wired report, ICE issued 1,509 custom summons to a significant search engine in 2020, seeking information on individuals and organizations involved in protests against ICE. While the summons is legal, experts have criticized the lack of transparency and oversight in the process and the potential for data breaches and leaks.

ICE's data collection practices have also targeted schools and clinics, with reports suggesting that the agency has sought information on students' and patients' immigration status. These actions raise serious questions about the privacy rights of individuals and the ethics of using sensitive data for enforcement purposes.

The Intercept has also reported on ICE's use of social media surveillance, which raises concerns about the agency's ability to monitor individuals' online activities and potentially use that information against them. The lack of clear policies and oversight regarding ICE's data collection practices puts individuals and organizations at risk of having their data mishandled or misused.

As the use of data becomes more prevalent in law enforcement, it is essential to ensure that agencies like ICE are held accountable for their actions and that appropriate safeguards are put in place to protect the privacy and cybersecurity of individuals and organizations. One expert warned, "The more data you collect, the more potential for breaches, leaks, and mistakes."

Privacy and cybersecurity are seriously at risk due to ICE's use of bespoke summonses and other dubious data collection techniques. It is essential that these problems are addressed and that the proper steps are made to safeguard both organizations' and people's rights.

The West Accuses TikTok of Espionage & Data Mining


TikTok is one of the few social media corporate giants that was not created by a Silicon Valley business. The parent business, ByteDance, which launched the internet service in China in 2016, has offices spread across the globe, including Paris. Nonetheless, Beijing remains the location of the parent company's main office. These claims, which include, among other things, some actions that are not within the purview of this social network, are fleshed out by a number of causes for concern.

TikTok will no longer be available to employees and elected officials of the European Parliament and the European Commission starting in mid-March. The United States' main worry is that the Chinese government might be able to access their citizens' data and snoop on them.

Many publications from disinformation-focused research organizations or businesses highlight how simple it is for people to come across incorrect or misleading information concerning elections or pandemics. Research from the Center for Combating Online Hate in the United States in December 2022 showed how the social network's algorithm suggested hazardous content to its teenage members, including videos about self-harm and eating disorders.

Yet, the fact that ByteDance has released two different versions of its application—Douyin, which is only available in the Chinese market, and TikTok for the rest of the world—reinforces misconceptions and wild speculation about the latter.

It occurs while China and the West are engaged in a larger technology-related arms race that includes everything from surveillance balloons to computer chips. TikTok seeks a lot of user permissions, according to the Exodus Privacy organization, which examines Android apps. As a result, the program gets access to the device's microphone, contacts, camera, storage, and even geolocation information.

TikTok first needs broad access to its users' devices in order to function, display targeted adverts, or show pertinent videos. On the website of the ToSDR association, which simplifies and evaluates the general conditions of use of numerous applications and services, TikTok obtains an E score, the worst score in the list.

The federal government will reportedly also prevent the app from being downloaded on authorized devices going forward, according to Mona Fortier, president of the Canadian Treasury Board. It is justified that the approach of European institutions is one of caution in the face of difficult international relations with Beijing.

Qwant or DuckDuckGo: Which Search Engine is More Private?

Qwant and DuckDuckGo are two privately-focused search engines that guarantee not to track your activities. Their ability to assist you in avoiding the privacy-invading methods that are all too prevalent among big search engines is one of the key components of their appeal. However, in search engine businesses, it is easy to promise one thing but instead do whichever one thing brings the most profit to the organization. 

Here, we are comparing DuckDuckGo with Qwant to discover which search engine is better at safeguarding its users' privacy beyond the marketing claims. 

Data Collection 

Any search engine company's efforts to collect data is a highly risky task. There is a very blurry line between the quantity of data that is required and the amount that is excessive. Once a search engine service crosses this blurry line, one can infer that the notion of privacy is simply abandoned. 

IP address, device type, device platform, search history, and links clicked on results pages are some of the instances of data collected by major search engine companies. 

However, they do not necessarily need to collect all that data, compromising users’ privacy. So, what kind of data do Qwant and DuckDuckGo collect on their users? 

Data Collected by Qwant 

The Qwant search engine service, according to Qwant, aims to gather as little information as possible. While this is partially accurate, it still gathers some information that could violate your privacy, such as your IP address, search phrases, preferred languages, and news trend data. The privacy of the user is heavily prioritized in the data processing methods used by Qwant. To be fair, they made a significant effort. 

Qwant's weakness is that it largely depends on outside services, some of whose privacy policies may not always protect the privacy of users. Qwant, for instance, relies on Microsoft to conduct ad services for revenue purposes. For this, it needs to collect and share the IP addresses and search terms of its users with Microsoft. Some of us may be aware that Microsoft is not exactly a privacy pioneer. 

However, Qwant asserts that it does not transmit search terms and IP addresses together. Instead, to make it difficult for the parties concerned to link search phrases to IP addresses, search terms, and IP addresses are transmitted differently utilizing several services. 

In other words, they hinder the ability of outside services to create a profile of you. However, some contend that the sheer fact that Qwant gathers this data constitutes a potential privacy breach. 

Data Collected in DuckDuckGo 

In ideal terms, the right amount of data collected is ‘no personal data at all.’ Your IP address, cookies, search terms, or any other personally identifiable data are never collected by DuckDuckGo. Every time you use the DuckDuckGo search engine, you are in fact using it as an entirely new user. There is no way for DuckDuckGo to determine if you have been there previously. 

Most of the data generated as a result of your interaction with the DuckDuckGo is destroyed once you exit the search engine. This is part of the reason why DuckDuckGo does not have a clear idea of just how many people use its search engine. 

Clearly, in terms of data collection and sharing their user data with a third party, one can conclude that DuckDuckGo is the most privacy compliant in comparison with Qwant. 

Search Leakage 

Search leakage occurs when a search engine fails to properly delete or anonymize data that can be given to a third party when you click on a link on search result pages. Your search history, browser history, and in some situations, cookies are a few examples of data that might be compromised. 

In order to prevent search leaks, both DuckDuckGo and Qwant have implemented a number of precautionary measures, including, but not limited to the encryption of your data. 

However, a challenging privacy problem for both search engines is that they store your search terms in the URL of their result pages. While it does not appear to be a privacy issue, it is. Both DuckDuckGo and Qwant unintentionally reveal your search history to the browser of your choice by keeping your search keywords in their URL parameters. 

This implies that despite your best efforts, everything you may have done to keep your search private could be undone if you use a browser that monitors your browsing activity, particularly how you use search engines. 

In terms of search leakage, neither DuckDuckGo nor Qwant convincingly outperforms the other. 

Which Search Engine is More Private? 

If one needs a less invasive option than the likes of Google, Bing, and Yahoo, then either Quant or DuckDuckGo could be an alternative. Both search engines take great care to ensure that whatever you do on their site concerns only your business. 

However, if you prefer the strictest privacy options available, then DuckDuckGo might be a better choice.