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Throw away Cayla dolls as they are prone to hacking

A watchdog in Germany has instructed every parent to throw away a talking doll called Cayla as it has some critical flaws in their Bluetooth device which can expose you to the hacking of personal data.

Researchers at the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) says that there is an insecure Bluetooth device installed to listen and talk to the child while playing with it.

However, there is no response from the manufacturer, Genesis Toys, on the German warning.

While the distributor of the Cayla, Vivid Toy group,  has said that  "examples of hacking were isolated and carried out by specialists." And they said that they will take this issue on boards and would recommend to upgrade the app used in the doll.

But according to the experts, the vulnerability has not been fixed. This vulnerability was first reported back in  January 2015.

Even complaints have been filed against the company by US and EU consumer groups.
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