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Credit Cards Were Forged from a Prominent e-Cigarette Store

The website Element Vape is uploading a potentially Malicious file.


Since being breached, Element Vape, a famous online retailer of e-cigarettes including vaping kits, is harboring a credit card skimmer on its website. In both retail and online storefronts in the United States and Canada, this retailer provides e-cigarettes, vaping equipment, e-liquids, and Synthetic drugs.
Its website Element Vape is uploading a potentially Malicious file from either a third-party website that appears to be a credit card stealer. Magecart refers to threat actors who use credit card cybercriminals on eCommerce sites by infiltrating scripts. 

On numerous shop webpages, beginning with the homepage, a mystery base64-encoded script may be seen on pages 45-50 of the HTML source code. For an unknown period of time, the computer worm has so far been present on 

This code was gone as of February 5th, 2022, and before, according to a Wayback Machine review of As a result, the infection appears to have occurred more recently, probably after the date and before today's detection. When decoded, it simply fetches the appropriate JavaScript file from a third-party site :


When this script was decoded and examined, it was apparent – the collection of credit card and invoicing information from clients during the checkout. The script looks for email addresses, payment card details, phone numbers, and billing addresses (including street and ZIP codes). 

The attacker acquires these credentials via a predefined Telegram address in the script which is disguised. The code also has anti-reverse-engineering features which check if it's being run in a sandbox or with "devtools" to prevent it from being examined.

It's unclear how the backend code of was altered in the first place to allow the malicious script to enter. Reportedly, this isn't the first instance Element Vape's security has been breached. Users reported getting letters from Element Vape in 2018 indicating the company had a data breach so the "window of penetration between December 6, 2017, and June 27, 2018, might have revealed users" personal details to threat actors. 
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Card Skimming

Data Breach



Malicious actor

Online Retailers