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PHP Re-Infectors: The Malware that Never Goes Away

Researchers discovered a modified index.php in majority of the cases.


Threat actors typically infect sites for monetary gain, to improve their SEO rankings for malware or spam campaigns, and for a variety of other objectives. If the malware is readily and swiftly removed, the attack's objective is defeated. Researchers discovered a modified index.php in the majority of cases of this form of infection. According to the researchers, it makes little difference if your site is not using WordPress; attackers will normally replace the index.php with an infected copy of the WordPress index.php file. 

The index.php file is a PHP file that serves as the entrance for any website or application. It is a template file that contains a variety of codes that will be given as PHP code. Because the system will be used by anyone with a simple HTML website, it will also be modified before delivery. 

It has also been observed that hundreds, if not thousands, of infected.htaccess files are dispersed throughout the website directories. This is intended to block custom PHP files or tools from executing on the site or to enable dangerous files to run if some mitigation is already in place. In rare cases, the attackers will leave a copy of the original index.php file entitled old-index.php or 1index.php on the server. In most situations, the infected files will have 444 permissions, and attempting to remove or clean those files directly is futile because the malware will immediately make a new infected duplicate. 

In rare situations, malware will be found in the memory of php-fpm. If index.php is still being recreated, run top to see if php-fpm is present. According to the researchers, you can try to delete OPCache, albeit this normally does not solve the problem. 

OPcache boosts PHP performance by keeping pre-compiled script bytecode in shared memory, eliminating the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on every request. As a result, malware can remain in OPcache after being removed from the site files or database. 

Though attackers are constantly seeking new ways to infect websites, there are several typical procedures that customers may take to reduce the number of infections. Put your website behind a firewall and change all admin passwords on a regular basis. This includes the admin dashboard, CPanel/FTP, ssh, and email; always keep all plugins, themes, and CMS up to date; and delete any unnecessary plugins or themes.
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Security Researchers

Threat actors
