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Hackers steal $1 million from Australian bitcoin bank website

An Australian entrepreneur who is running the Bitcoin bank website has claimed hackers stole more than $1 million of virtual currency bitcoin from his website(

An Australian entrepreneur who is running the Bitcoin bank website has claimed hackers stole more than $1 million of virtual currency bitcoin from his website(

The security breach reportedly took place on both October 23 and October 26, hackers managed to steal 4,100 bitcoins worth more than $1 million, according to service’s operator only known as "Tradefortress".

In an email interview with Fairfax media, TradeFortress said he would try to refund some of the money using more than 1,000 bitcoins he personally owned.

He said he won't be reporting the incident to law enforcement because there were "extremely limited actions" it could undertake considering the currency can't be easily traced, According to the Sydney Morning Herald report.

A spokesperson for the Australian Federal Police told Daily Mail that a theft of bitcoins has never been investigated but if it was reported to officers then police would investigate it like any other theft.
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